
I'm currently researching forecasting and epistemics as part of the Quantified Uncertainty Research Institute.


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Minor flag, but I've thought about some similar ideas, and here's one summary:

Personally, I'd guess that we could see a lot of improvement by clever uses of safe AIs. Even if we stopped improving on LLMs today, I think we have a long way to go to make good use of current systems. 

Just because there are potentially risky AIs down the road doesn't mean we should ignore the productive use of safe AIs. 

+1 here, I've found this to be a major pain, and just didn't do it in my last one with Eli Lifland. 

That could be.

My recollection from Zuckerberg was that he was thinking of transformative AI, at least, as a fairly far-away goal, more like 8 to 20 years++ (and I'd assume "transformative AI" would be further), and that overall, he just hasn't talked much about it. 

I wasn't thinking of all of Yann LeCun's statements, in part because he makes radical/nonsensible-to-me statements all over the place (which makes me assume he's not representing the whole department). It's not clear to me how much most of his views represent Meta, though I realize he is technically in charge of AI there.

an estimated utility function is a practical abstraction that obscures the lower-level machinery/implementational details

I agree that this is what's happening. I probably have different intuitions regarding how big of a problem it is.

The main questions here might be something like:

  1. Is there any more information about the underlying system, besides its various utility function, useful for decision-making?
  2. If (1) is false, can we calibrate for that error when trying to approximate things with the utility function? If we just use the utility function, will be be over-confident, or just extra (and reasonably) cautious? 
  3. In situations where we don't have models of the underlying system, can utility function estimates be better than alternatives we might have?

My quick expected answers to this:

  1. I think for many things, utility functions are fine. I think these are far more precise and accurate than other existing approaches that we have today (like, people intuitively guessing what's good for others) .
  2. I think if we do a decent job, we can just add extra uncertainty/caution to the system. I like to trust future actors here to not be obviously stupid in ways we could expect.
  3. As I stated before, I don't think we have better tools yet. I'm happy to see research into more work in understanding the underlying systems, but in the meantime, utility functions seem about as precise and information-rich as anything else we have.

is that different "deliberation/idealization procedures" may produce very different results and never converge in the limit.

Agreed. This is a pretty large topic, I was trying to keep this essay limited. My main recommendation here was to highlight the importance of deliberation and potential deliberation levels, in part to better discuss issues like these.

Do you have a preferred distinction of value functions vs. utility functions that you like, and ideally can reference? I'm doing some investigation now, and it seems like the main difference is the context in which they are often used.

My impression is that Lesswrong typically uses the term "Utility function" to mean a more specific thing than what economists do. I.E. the examples of utility functions in economics textbooks. https://brilliant.org/wiki/utility-functions/ has examples. 

They sometimes describe simple things like this simple relationship, as a "utility function".

I'm curious why this got the disagreement votes.
1. People don't think Holden doing that is significant prioritization?
2. There aren't several people at OP trying to broadly figure out what to do about AI?
3. There's some other strategy OP is following? 

Also, I should have flagged that Holden is now the "Director of AI Strategy" there. This seems like a significant prioritization.

It seems like there are several people at OP trying to figure out what to broadly do about AI, but only one person (Ajeya) doing AIS grantmaking? I assume they've made some decision, like, "It's fairly obvious what organizations we should fund right now, our main question is figuring out the big picture." 


Ajeya Cotra is currently the only evaluator for technical AIS grants.

This situation seems really bizarre to me. I know they have multiple researchers in-house investigating these issues, like Joseph Carlsmith. I'm really curious what's going on here.

I know they've previously had (what seemed to me) like talented people join and leave that team. The fact that it's so small now, given the complexity and importance of the topic, is something I have trouble grappling with.

My guess is that there are some key reasons for this that aren't obvious externally.

I'd assume that it's really important for this team to become really strong, but would obviously flag that when things are that strange, it's likely difficult to fix, unless you really understand why the situation is the way it is now. I'd also encourage people to try to help here, but I just want to flag that it might be more difficult than it might initially seem.

Thanks for clarifying! That really wasn't clear to me from the message alone. 

> Though if you used Squiggle to perform an existential risk-reward analysis of whether to use Squiggle, who knows what would happen

Yep, that's in the works, especially if we can have basic relative value forecasts later on.

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