TL,DR: I got a magnet implanted in my hand for the purpose of lifting ferrous objects and sensing magnetic fields. 

Biohacking is a term that has unfortunately become entangled with tabloid tips, TikTok health trends, and pseudo’science’. However, beneath this surface noise exists dedicated communities exploring the frontiers of human enhancement through do-it-yourself cybernetics, biochemistry, and body modifications. Communities driven by interests in transhumanism and an alignment with the hacker ethos that push boundaries in ways that extend far beyond the conventional ear piercing.

Among the many bleeding-edge modifications that have come about in recent years, magnet implants stood out to me as perhaps the most intriguing, so I went about getting one.

Continues in post

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I think people downvoted you because you buried the lede. That is, neither the post's title nor the introduction you pasted here explain that your post is about having a subdermal magnet implanted.

Instead, it provides "context info" readers on this site are likely to already know, and thus consider irrelevant. I think most downvoted before clicking the link to your website. Consider making your titles and introductions more to-the-point, and including TLDRs in the case of linkposts like this.

Having said that, it's always cool to hear about people's experiences with subdermal magnets, and that kind of content definitively belongs on this site.


Really appreciate the pointers. I spend a lot of time lurking here but not much time posting. I'll definitely keep all your suggestions in mind next time I post. Cheers!