Johnny Lin

working on neuronpedia

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apologies for the issue with the neuronpedia link. it's now been resolved.

Hey Jacob + Philippe,

Hope you all don't mind but we put up layer 8 of your transcoders onto Neuronpedia, with ~22k dashboards here:

Each dashboard can be accessed at their own url: goes to feature index 0.

You can also test each feature with custom text:

Or search all features at:

An example search:[]&sortIndexes=[]&q=the%20cat%20sat%20on%20the%20mat%20at%20MATS 


Unfortunately I wasn't able to generate histograms, autointerp, or other layers for this yet. Am working on getting more layers up first. 

I did spot checks of the first few dashboards and they seem to be correct. Please let me know if anything seems wrong or off. I am also happy to delete this comment if you do not find it useful or for any other reason - no worries.

Please let me know if you have any feedback or issues with this. I will be also reaching out directly via Slack.

Thanks Callum and yep we've been extensively using SAE-Vis at Neuronpedia - it's been extremely helpful for generating dashboards and it's very well maintained. We'll have a method of directly importing to Neuronpedia using the exports from SAE-Vis coming out soon.

Johnny LinΩ9182

Hey Joseph (and coauthors),

Your directions are really fantastic. I hope you don't mind, but I generated the activation data for the first 3000+ directions for each of the 12 layers and uploaded your directions to Neuronpedia: 

Your directions are also linked on the home page and the model page.

They're also accessible by layer (sorted by top activation), eg layer 6:

I added the "Anthropic dashboard" to Neuronpedia for your dataset.

Explanations, comments, and autointerp scoring are also working - anyone can do this:

  • Click a direction and submit explanation on the top-left. Here's another Star Wars direction (5-RES-JB:1681) where GPT4 gave me a score of 96:
    • Click the score for the scoring details:

I plan to do some autointerp explaining on a batch of these directions too.

Btw - your directions are so good that it's easy to find super interesting stuff. 5-RES-JB:5 is about astronomy:

I'm aware that you're going to do some library updates to get even better directions, and I'm excited for that - will re-generate/upload all layers after the new changes come in.

Things that I'm still working on and hope to get working in the next few days:

  • Making activation testing work for each neuron
  • "Search / test" the same way that we have search/test for OpenAI's directions

Again, your directions look fantastic - congrats. I hope this is useful/interesting for you and anyone trying to browse/explain them. Also, I didn't know how to provide a citation/reference to you (and your team?) so I just used RES-JB = Residuals by Joseph Bloom and included links to all relevant sources on your directions page.

If there's anything you'd like me to modify about this, or any feature you'd like me to add to make it better, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Apparently an anonymous user(s) got really excited and ran a bunch of simultaneous searches while I was sleeping, triggering this open tokenizer bug/issue and causing our TransformerLens server to hang/crash. This caused some downtime.

A workaround has been implemented and pushed.

Thanks for the tip! I've added the link under "Exploration Tools" after the first mention of Neuronpedia. Let me know if that is the proper way to do it - I couldn't find a feature on LW for a special "context link" if there is such a feature.

Great work Adam, especially on the customizability. It's fascinating clicking through various types and indexes to look for patterns, and I'm looking forward to using this to find interesting directions.

Hey Nathan, so sorry this took so long. Finally shipped this - you can now toggle "Profanity/Explicit" OFF in "Edit Profile". Some notes about the implementation:

  • If enabled, hides activation texts that have a bad word in it (still displays the neuron)
  • Works by checking a list of bad words
  • Default is disabled (profanity shown) in order to get more accurate explanations
  • Asks user during onboarding for their preference

It turns out that nearly all neurons have some sort of explicit (or "looks like explicit") text, so it's not feasible to automatically skip all these neurons - we end up skipping everything. So we only hide the individual activation texts that are explicit.

Sorry again and thanks for the feedback!

Sorry about that! Should have fixed that way earlier. I've transferred the app to "Neuronpedia", so it should appear correctly now. Thank you for flagging this.

Yes, this is a great idea. I think something other than "skip" is needed since skip isn't declaring "this neuron has too many meanings or doesn't seem to do anything", which is actually useful information

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