Kabir Kumar

Co-Founder and Director at https://ai-plans.com 
Please get in touch if you're: 
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if asked about recommendation algoritms, I think it might be much higher - given a basic understanding of what they are, addictiveness, etc

imo, our philosophical progress has been stagnated by media (in the classic sense of the word) - recording ideas makes it harder to forget them. akin to training at very low dropout

In a parallel universe with a saner civilization, there must be tons of philosophy professors workings with tons of AI researchers to try to improve AI's philosophical reasoning.

Sanskrit scholars worked for generations to make Sanskrit better for philosophy

But maybe we are just bad at politics and coalition-building.


Mostly due to a feeling of looking down on people imo

Thank you. We just had some writers join, who're, among other things, going to make an up to date About Us section. some out of date stuff is available on https://aiplans.substack.com
Something that we use internally is:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcVlWRTKJqiXOvKNl6PMHCBF3pQItCCcnYwlWvGgFpc/edit?usp=sharing

We're primarily focused on making a site rebuild atm, which has a lot of new and improved features users have been asking for. Preview (lots of form factor stuff broken atm) at: https://ai-plans-site.pages.dev/

My Clients, The Liars

And All The Shoggoths Merely Players

Acting Wholesomely

These are the most obvious examples. By 'clickbait', here I mean a title that's more for drawing in readers than accurately communicating what the post is about. Doesn't mean it can't be accurate too - after all, MrBeast rarely lies in his video titles - but it means that instead of choosing the title that is most accurate, they chose the most eye catching and baiting title out of the pool of accurate/semi-accurate titles.

update on my beliefs - among humans of above average intelligence, the primary factor for success is willpower - stamina, intensity and consistency

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