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What do the "Required unnominated" and "Required frontpage" filters do? In particular, unchecking "Required frontpage" seems to filter out frontpage posts rather than including both frontpage and non-frontpage as expected.


If you include the implied (0,0) point, then the quadratic still fits.


At least one of the rot13 questions has a title P(X and Y) that doesn't match the X and Y described in the question.


I think most of these are "secretly adaptive/reasonable" in certain contexts.

  • Fundamental Attribution Error: Reduces computational load when predicting the behavior of strangers in short interactions.

  • Conjunction Fallacy: It's harder to tell a complex lie without getting caught, so complexity is evidence for honesty.


Nuclear fusion fuel (also hydrogen) can get to 6×1014 J/kg, which is less than 3 OOMs off from the maximum.

We can even produce small amounts of anti-hydrogen, but not as a fuel.


It was probably thinking of sodium hydroxide rather than elemental sodium.


Although possibly the red candidate would care more about CATXOKLA red issues and the blue about CATXOKLA blue issues, so it just increases variance rather than expected satisfaction?


The advantage comes from having the parties care about your particular issues rather than those of the current swing states. This would look like both candidates being more favorable to you even if it's still 50-50 which of them wins (and even if they're still in roughly the same places on the left-right axis).


I remember there was a movement a while back to have states agree to award their electors to the national proportional vote winner, but I'm not sure what came of that.


The problem statement says it's true (Omega did indeed send the message, and the problem statement says that only happens when the message is true).

I think, in effect, this boils down to Omega telling you "This stranger is a murderous psychopath. You'd better not give them the opportunity."

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