
Wikitag Contributions


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Formatting note: something seems to have deleted a couple of your time units:

I spent ~1500 working on genuinely original scientific research.


which subsumes the 100 old Poincare conjecture,

Why do we need the full tower? Why couldn't it be the case that just one (or some other finite number) of the Turing Oracle levels are physically possible?

We don't know that it's physically impossible, although it does look that way, but even if we did that doesn't mean it's contradictory, not to the extent that using it you'll "mostly derive paradox theorems and contradictions".

Why do you think that a hypercomputer is inherently contradictory?

The LW Tumblr contingent has a Skype group.

The relevant test is 'Do I want to see more things like this on LW', and the answer is no, because I value clarity more than seeing things I would agree with did I understand them.

Interestingly, both concepts seem worthwhile to me... and I mostly advocate a combination of hedonistic and preference utilitarianism.

Eliezer said this would just have been Harry antimatter-suiciding and Hermione waking up in a flaming crater.

Is the novel content written by you, Eliezer, or others?

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