Frustrated by claims that "enlightenment" and similar meditative/introspective practices can't be explained and that you only understand if you experience them, Kaj set out to write his own detailed gears-level, non-mysterious, non-"woo" explanation of how meditation, etc., work in the same way you might explain the operation of an internal combustion engine.

The main thing I got out of reading Bostrom's Deep Utopia is a better appreciation of this "meaning of life" thing. I had never really understood what people meant by this, and always just rounded it off to people using lofty words for their given projects in life. The book's premise is that, after the aligned singularity, the robots will not just be better at doing all your work but also be better at doing all your leisure for you. E.g., you'd never study for fun in posthuman utopia, because you could instead just ask the local benevolent god to painlessly, seamlessly put all that wisdom in your head. In that regime, studying with books and problems for the purpose of learning and accomplishment is just masochism. If you're into learning, just ask! And similarly for any psychological state you're thinking of working towards. So, in that regime, it's effortless to get a hedonically optimal world, without any unendorsed suffering and with all the happiness anyone could want. Those things can just be put into everyone and everything's heads directly—again, by the local benevolent-god authority. The only challenging values to satisfy are those that deal with being practically useful. If you think it's important to be the first to discover a major theorem or be the individual who counterfactually helped someone, living in a posthuman utopia could make things harder in these respects, not easier. The robots can always leave you a preserve of unexplored math or unresolved evil... but this defeats the purpose of those values. It's not practical benevolence if you had to ask for the danger to be left in place; it's not a pioneering scientific discovery if the AI had to carefully avoid spoiling it for you. Meaning is supposed to be one of these values: not a purely hedonic value, and not a value dealing only in your psychological states. A further value about the objective state of the world and your place in relation to it, wherein you do something practically significant by your lights. If that last bit can be construed as something having to do with your local patch of posthuman culture, then there can be plenty of meaning in the postinstrumental utopia! If that last bit is inextricably about your global, counterfactual practical importance by your lights, then you'll have to live with all your "localistic" values satisfied but meaning mostly absent. It helps to see this meaning thing if you frame it alongside all the other objectivistic "stretch goal" values you might have. Above and beyond your hedonic values, you might also think it good for you and others to have objectively interesting lives, accomplished and fulfilled lives, and consumingly purposeful lives. Meaning is one of these values, where above and beyond the joyful, rich experiences of posthuman life, you also want to play a significant practical role in the world. We might or might not be able to have lots of objective meaning in the AI utopia, depending on how objectivistic meaningfulness by your lights ends up being. > Considerations that in today's world are rightly dismissed as frivolous may well, once more pressing problems have been resolved, emerge as increasingly important [remaining] lodestars... We could and should then allow ourselves to become sensitized to fainter, subtler, less tangible and less determinate moral and quasi-moral demands, aesthetic impingings, and meaning-related desirables. Such recalibration will, I believe, enable us to discern a lush normative structure in the new realm that we will find ourselves in—revealing a universe iridescent with values that are insensible to us in our current numb and stupefied condition (pp. 318-9).
I recently listened to The Righteous Mind. It was surprising to me that many people seem to intrinsically care about many things that look very much like good instrumental norms to me (in particular loyalty, respect for authority, and purity). The author does not make claims about what the reflective equilibrium will be, nor does he explain how the liberals stopped considering loyalty, respect, and purity as intrinsically good (beyond "some famous thinkers are autistic and didn't realize the richness of the moral life of other people"), but his work made me doubt that most people will have well-being-focused CEV. The book was also an interesting jumping point for reflection about group selection. The author doesn't make the sorts of arguments that would show that group selection happens in practice (and many of his arguments seem to show a lack of understanding of what opponents of group selection think - bees and cells cooperating is not evidence for group selection at all), but after thinking about it more, I now have more sympathy for group-selection having some role in shaping human societies, given that (1) many human groups died, and very few spread (so one lucky or unlucky gene in one member may doom/save the group) (2) some human cultures may have been relatively egalitarian enough when it came to reproductive opportunities that the individual selection pressure was not that big relative to group selection pressure and (3) cultural memes seem like the kind of entity that sometimes survive at the level of the group. Overall, it was often a frustrating experience reading the author describe a descriptive theory of morality and try to describe what kind of morality makes a society more fit in a tone that often felt close to being normative / fails to understand that many philosophers I respect are not trying to find a descriptive or fitness-maximizing theory of morality (e.g. there is no way that utilitarians think their theory is a good description of the kind of shallow moral intuitions the author studies, since they all know that they are biting bullets most people aren't biting, such as the bullet of defending homosexuality in the 19th century).
Brandon Sanderson is a bestselling fantasy author. Despite mostly working with traditional publishers, there is a 50-60 person company formed around his writing[1]. This podcast talks about how the company was formed. Things I liked about this podcast: 1. he and his wife both refer to it as "our" company and describe critical contributions she made. 2. the number of times he was dissatisfied with the way his publisher did something and so hired someone in his own company to do it (e.g. PR and organizing book tours), despite that being part of the publisher's job. 3. He believed in his back catalog enough to buy remainder copies of his books (at $1/piece) and sell them via his own website at sticker price (with autographs). This was a major source of income for a while.  4. Long term grand strategic vision that appears to be well aimed and competently executed. 1. ^ The only non-Sanderson content I found was a picture book from his staff artist. 
There was this voice inside my head that told me that since I got Something to protect, relaxing is never ok above strict minimum, the goal is paramount, and I should just work as hard as I can all the time. This led me to breaking down and being incapable to work on my AI governance job for a week, as I just piled up too much stress. And then, I decided to follow what motivated me in the moment, instead of coercing myself into working on what I thought was most important, and lo and behold! my total output increased, while my time spent working decreased. I'm so angry and sad at the inadequacy of my role models, cultural norms, rationality advice, model of the good EA who does not burn out, which still led me to smash into the wall despite their best intentions. I became so estranged from my own body and perceptions, ignoring my core motivations, feeling harder and harder to work. I dug myself such deep a hole. I'm terrified at the prospect to have to rebuild my motivation myself again.
I wonder how much testosterone during puberty lowers IQ. Most of my high school math/CS friends seemed low-T and 3/4 of them transitioned since high school. They still seem smart as shit. The higher-T among us seem significantly brain damaged since high school (myself included). I wonder what the mechanism would be here... Like 50% of my math/cs Twitter is trans women and another 40% is scrawny nerds and only like 9% big bald men. I have a tremendously large skull (like XXL hats) - maybe that's why I can still do some basic math after the testosterone brain poison during puberty? My voice is kind of high pitched for my body — related?? My big strong brother got the most brain damaged and my thin brother kept most of what he had. Now I'm looking at tech billionaires. Mostly lo-T looking men. Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos were big & bald but seem to have pretty big skulls  to compensate ¿ I guess this topic/theory is detested by cis women, trans women,  lo-T men, and hi-T men all alike because it has something bad to say about all of them.  But here's a recipe for success according to the theory: * be born with giant head (please don't kill your mother, maybe suggest she get a C section) * delay your puberty until you've learned enough to get by, maybe age 22 or so * start slamming testosterone and amphetamines to get your workaholicism, betterThanEveryone complex, and drive for power *  go to Turkey for a hair transplant *  profit

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The history of science has tons of examples of the same thing being discovered multiple time independently; wikipedia has a whole list of examples here. If your goal in studying the history of science is to extract the predictable/overdetermined component of humanity's trajectory, then it makes sense to focus on such examples.

But if your goal is to achieve high counterfactual impact in your own research, then you should probably draw inspiration from the opposite: "singular" discoveries, i.e. discoveries which nobody else was anywhere close to figuring out. After all, if someone else would have figured it out shortly after anyways, then the discovery probably wasn't very counterfactually impactful.

Alas, nobody seems to have made a list of highly counterfactual scientific discoveries, to complement wikipedia's list of multiple discoveries.


Answer by Mateusz BagińskiApr 24, 202410

Maybe Hanson et al.'s Grabby aliens model? @Anders_Sandberg  said that some N years before that (I think more or less at the time of working on Dissolving the Fermi Paradox), he "had all of the components [of the model] on the table" and it just didn't occur to him that they can be composed in this way. (personal communication, so I may be misremembering some details). Although it's less than 10 years, so...

Speaking of Hanson, prediction markets seem like a more central example. I don't think the idea was [inconceivable in principle] 100 years ago.

1Niclas Kupper44m
It would be interesting for people to post current research that they think has some small chance of outputting highly singular results!
1Answer by Niclas Kupper1h
Grothendiek seems to have been an extremely singular researcher, various of his discoveries would have likely been significantly delayed without him. His work on sheafs is mind bending the first time you see it and was seemingly ahead of its time.
2Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel2h
Not inconceivable, I would even plausible, that surreal numbers & combinatorial game theories impact is still in the future.

Joe’s summary is here, these are my condensed takeaways in my own words. All links in this section are to the essays



This summarizes a (possibly trivial) observation that I found interesting.



An all-powerful god decides to play a game. They stop time, grab a random human, and ask them "What will you see next?". The human answers, then time is switched back on and the god looks at how well they performed. Most of the time the humans get it right, but occasionally they are caught by surprise and get it wrong.

To be more generous the god decides to give them access (for the game) to the entirety of all objective facts. The position and momentum of every elementary particle, every thought and memory anyone has ever had (before the time freeze) etc. However, suddenly performance in the game drops from 99% to 0%. How can this be? They...


I am having trouble following you. If little-omega is a reference frame I would expect it to be a function that takes in the "objective world" (Omega) and spits out a subjective one. But you seem to have it the other way around? Or am I misunderstanding?

This depends on the mechanism of attaining all these memories.  In that world, it COULD be that you still know which memories are privileged, or at least which ones include meeting God and being in position to be asked the question.  I mean, I'm with you fundamentally: it's not obvious that ANYTHING is truly objective - other people can report experiences, but that's mediated by your perceptions as well. In most cases, one can avoid the confusion by specifying predicting WHAT experiences will happen to WHICH observer.

Elon Musk's Hyperloop proposal had substantial public interest. With various initial Hyperloop projects now having failed, I thought some people might be interested in a high-speed transportation system that's...perhaps not "practical" per se, but at least more-practical than the Hyperloop approach.

aerodynamic drag in hydrogen

Hydrogen has a lower molecular mass than air, so it has a higher speed of sound and lower density. The higher speed of sound means a vehicle in hydrogen can travel at 2300 mph while remaining subsonic, and the lower density reduces drag. This paper evaluated the concept and concluded that:

the vehicle can cruise at Mach 2.8 while consuming less than half the energy per passenger of a Boeing 747 at a cruise speed of Mach 0.81

In a tube, at subsonic speeds, the gas...

Possibly of interest: the fastest rocket sled track uses similar idea, they put a helium filled tube over the final section of the track:

Just as meteors are burned up by friction in the upper atmosphere, air friction can cause a high-speed sled to burn up, even if made of the toughest steel alloys. An engineering sleight-of-hand is used to increase those "burn-up" limits by reducing the density of the atmosphere around the track. To do this, one needs a safe, non-toxic, low-density gas such as helium. Helium is only one seventh the density of air, signific

... (read more)

Concerns over AI safety and calls for government control over the technology are highly correlated but they should not be.

There are two major forms of AI risk: misuse and misalignment. Misuse risks come from humans using AIs as tools in dangerous ways. Misalignment risks arise if AIs take their own actions at the expense of human interests.

Governments are poor stewards for both types of risk. Misuse regulation is like the regulation of any other technology. There are reasonable rules that the government might set, but omission bias and incentives to protect small but well organized groups at the expense of everyone else will lead to lots of costly ones too. Misalignment regulation is not in the Overton window for any government. Governments do not have strong incentives...

There is a belief among some people that our current tech level will lead to totalitarianism by default. The argument is that with 1970's tech the soviet union collapsed, however with 2020 computer tech (not needing GenAI) it would not. If a democracy goes bad, unlike before there is no coming back. For example Xinjiang - Stalin would have liked to do something like that but couldn't. When you add LLM AI on everyone's phone + Video/Speech recognition, organized protest is impossible.

Not sure if Rudi C is making this exact argument. Anyway if we get mass ce... (read more)

6Seth Herd12h
Who is downvoting posts like this? Please don't! I see that this is much lower than the last time I looked, so it's had some, probably large, downvotes. A downvote means "please don't write posts like this, and don't read this post". Daniel Kokatijlo disagreed with this post, but found it worth engaging with. Don't you want discussions with those you disagree with? Downvoting things you don't agree with says "we are here to preach to the choir. Dissenting opinions are not welcome. Don't post until you've read everything on this topic". That's a way to find yourself in an echo chamber. And that's not going to save the world or pursue truth. I largely disagree with the conclusions and even the analytical approach taken here, but that does not make this post net-negative. It is net-positive. It could be argued that there are better posts on this topic one should read, but there certainly haven't been this week. And I haven't heard these same points made more cogently elsewhere. This is net-positive unless I'm misunderstanding the criteria for a downvote. I'm confused why we don't have a "disagree" vote on top-level posts to draw off the inarticulate disgruntlement that causes people to downvote high-effort, well-done work.
I was down voting this particular post because I perceived it as mostly ideological and making few arguments, only stating strongly that government action will be bad. I found the author's replies in the comments much more nuanced and would not have down-voted if I'd perceived the original post to be of the same quality.
2Maxwell Tabarrok16h
Firms are actually better than governments at internalizing costs across time. Asset values incorporate the potential future flows. For example, consider a retiring farmer. You might think that they have an incentive to run the soil dry in their last season since they won't be using it in the future, but this would hurt the sale value of the farm. An elected representative who's term limit is coming up wouldn't have the same incentives. Of course, firms incentives are very misaligned in important ways. The question is: Can we rely on government to improve these incentives.

Wow, it's worse than I thought. Maybe the housing problem is "government-complete" and resists all lower level attempts to solve it.

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A friend has spent the last three years hounding me about seed oils. Every time I thought I was safe, he’d wait a couple months and renew his attack:

“When are you going to write about seed oils?”

“Did you know that seed oils are why there’s so much {obesity, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, cancer, dementia}?”

“Why did you write about {meth, the death penalty, consciousness, nukes, ethylene, abortion, AI, aliens, colonoscopies, Tunnel Man, Bourdieu, Assange} when you could have written about seed oils?”

“Isn’t it time to quit your silly navel-gazing and use your weird obsessive personality to make a dent in the world—by writing about seed oils?”

He’d often send screenshots of people reminding each other that Corn Oil is Murder and that it’s critical that we overturn our lives...

To me "generally avoid processed foods" would be kinda like saying "generally avoid breathing in gasses/particulates that are different from typical earth atmosphere near sea level".

People have been breathing a lot of smoke in the last million years or so, so one might think that we would have evolved to tolerate it, but it's still really bad for us. Though there are certainly lots of ways to go wrong deviating from what we are adapted to, our current unnatural environment is far better for our life expectancy than the natural one. As pointed out in other comments, some food processing can be better for us.

A cooked food could technically be called a processed food but I don't think that adds much meaningful confusion. I would say the same about soaking something in water. Olives can be made edible by soaking them in water. If they're made edible by soaking in a salty brine (an isolated component that can be found in whole foods in more suitable quantities) then they're generally less healthy. Local populations might adapt by finding things that can be heavily processed into edible foods which can allow them to survive, but these foods aren't necessarily ones which would be considered healthy in a wider context.
2Joseph Miller14h
I'm confused - why are you so confident that we should avoid processed food. Isn't the whole point of your post that we don't know whether processed oil is bad for you? Where's the overwhelming evidence that processed food in general is bad?
An example where a lack of processing has caused visible nutritional issues is nixtamalization; adopting maize as a staple without also processing it causes clear nutritional deficiencies.

The following is an example of how if one assumes that an AI (in this case autoregressive LLM) has "feelings", "qualia", "emotions", whatever, it can be unclear whether it is experiencing something more like pain or something more like pleasure in some settings, even quite simple settings which already happen a lot with existing LLMs. This dilemma is part of the reason why I think AI suffering/happiness philosophy is very hard and we most probably won't be able to solve it.

Consider the two following scenarios:

Scenario A: An LLM is asked a complicated question and answers it eagerly.

Scenario B: A user insults an LLM and it responds.

For the sake of simplicity, let's say that the LLM is an autoregressive transformer with no RLHF (I personally think that the...

You might be interested in reading this. I think you are reasoning in an incorrect framing. 

The American school system, grades K-12, leaves much to be desired.

While its flaws are legion, this post isn’t about that. It’s easy to complain.

This post is about how we could do better.

To be clear, I’m talking about redesigning public education, so “just use the X model” where X is “charter” or “Montessori” or “home school” or “private school” isn’t sufficient. This merits actual thought and discussion.

Breaking It Down

One of the biggest problems facing public schools is that they’re asked to do several very different kinds of tasks.

On the one hand, the primary purpose of school is to educate children.

On whatever hand happens to be the case in real life, school is often more a source of social services for children and parents alike, providing food and safety...

What if you build your school-as-social-service, and then one day find that the kids are selling drugs to each other inside the school?

Or simply that the kids are constantly interfering with each other so much that the minority who want to follow their interests can't?

I think any theory of school that doesn't mention discipline is a theory of dry water. What powers and duties would the 1-supervisor-per-12-kids have? Can they remove disruptive kids from rooms? From the building entirely? Give detentions?


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