Frustrated by claims that "enlightenment" and similar meditative/introspective practices can't be explained and that you only understand if you experience them, Kaj set out to write his own detailed gears-level, non-mysterious, non-"woo" explanation of how meditation, etc., work in the same way you might explain the operation of an internal combustion engine.

The main thing I got out of reading Bostrom's Deep Utopia is a better appreciation of this "meaning of life" thing. I had never really understood what people meant by this, and always just rounded it off to people using lofty words for their given projects in life. The book's premise is that, after the aligned singularity, the robots will not just be better at doing all your work but also be better at doing all your leisure for you. E.g., you'd never study for fun in posthuman utopia, because you could instead just ask the local benevolent god to painlessly, seamlessly put all that wisdom in your head. In that regime, studying with books and problems for the purpose of learning and accomplishment is just masochism. If you're into learning, just ask! And similarly for any psychological state you're thinking of working towards. So, in that regime, it's effortless to get a hedonically optimal world, without any unendorsed suffering and with all the happiness anyone could want. Those things can just be put into everyone and everything's heads directly—again, by the local benevolent-god authority. The only challenging values to satisfy are those that deal with being practically useful. If you think it's important to be the first to discover a major theorem or be the individual who counterfactually helped someone, living in a posthuman utopia could make things harder in these respects, not easier. The robots can always leave you a preserve of unexplored math or unresolved evil... but this defeats the purpose of those values. It's not practical benevolence if you had to ask for the danger to be left in place; it's not a pioneering scientific discovery if the AI had to carefully avoid spoiling it for you. Meaning is supposed to be one of these values: not a purely hedonic value, and not a value dealing only in your psychological states. A further value about the objective state of the world and your place in relation to it, wherein you do something practically significant by your lights. If that last bit can be construed as something having to do with your local patch of posthuman culture, then there can be plenty of meaning in the postinstrumental utopia! If that last bit is inextricably about your global, counterfactual practical importance by your lights, then you'll have to live with all your "localistic" values satisfied but meaning mostly absent. It helps to see this meaning thing if you frame it alongside all the other objectivistic "stretch goal" values you might have. Above and beyond your hedonic values, you might also think it good for you and others to have objectively interesting lives, accomplished and fulfilled lives, and consumingly purposeful lives. Meaning is one of these values, where above and beyond the joyful, rich experiences of posthuman life, you also want to play a significant practical role in the world. We might or might not be able to have lots of objective meaning in the AI utopia, depending on how objectivistic meaningfulness by your lights ends up being. > Considerations that in today's world are rightly dismissed as frivolous may well, once more pressing problems have been resolved, emerge as increasingly important [remaining] lodestars... We could and should then allow ourselves to become sensitized to fainter, subtler, less tangible and less determinate moral and quasi-moral demands, aesthetic impingings, and meaning-related desirables. Such recalibration will, I believe, enable us to discern a lush normative structure in the new realm that we will find ourselves in—revealing a universe iridescent with values that are insensible to us in our current numb and stupefied condition (pp. 318-9).
I recently listened to The Righteous Mind. It was surprising to me that many people seem to intrinsically care about many things that look very much like good instrumental norms to me (in particular loyalty, respect for authority, and purity). The author does not make claims about what the reflective equilibrium will be, nor does he explain how the liberals stopped considering loyalty, respect, and purity as intrinsically good (beyond "some famous thinkers are autistic and didn't realize the richness of the moral life of other people"), but his work made me doubt that most people will have well-being-focused CEV. The book was also an interesting jumping point for reflection about group selection. The author doesn't make the sorts of arguments that would show that group selection happens in practice (and many of his arguments seem to show a lack of understanding of what opponents of group selection think - bees and cells cooperating is not evidence for group selection at all), but after thinking about it more, I now have more sympathy for group-selection having some role in shaping human societies, given that (1) many human groups died, and very few spread (so one lucky or unlucky gene in one member may doom/save the group) (2) some human cultures may have been relatively egalitarian enough when it came to reproductive opportunities that the individual selection pressure was not that big relative to group selection pressure and (3) cultural memes seem like the kind of entity that sometimes survive at the level of the group. Overall, it was often a frustrating experience reading the author describe a descriptive theory of morality and try to describe what kind of morality makes a society more fit in a tone that often felt close to being normative / fails to understand that many philosophers I respect are not trying to find a descriptive or fitness-maximizing theory of morality (e.g. there is no way that utilitarians think their theory is a good description of the kind of shallow moral intuitions the author studies, since they all know that they are biting bullets most people aren't biting, such as the bullet of defending homosexuality in the 19th century).
Brandon Sanderson is a bestselling fantasy author. Despite mostly working with traditional publishers, there is a 50-60 person company formed around his writing[1]. This podcast talks about how the company was formed. Things I liked about this podcast: 1. he and his wife both refer to it as "our" company and describe critical contributions she made. 2. the number of times he was dissatisfied with the way his publisher did something and so hired someone in his own company to do it (e.g. PR and organizing book tours), despite that being part of the publisher's job. 3. He believed in his back catalog enough to buy remainder copies of his books (at $1/piece) and sell them via his own website at sticker price (with autographs). This was a major source of income for a while.  4. Long term grand strategic vision that appears to be well aimed and competently executed. 1. ^ The only non-Sanderson content I found was a picture book from his staff artist. 
There was this voice inside my head that told me that since I got Something to protect, relaxing is never ok above strict minimum, the goal is paramount, and I should just work as hard as I can all the time. This led me to breaking down and being incapable to work on my AI governance job for a week, as I just piled up too much stress. And then, I decided to follow what motivated me in the moment, instead of coercing myself into working on what I thought was most important, and lo and behold! my total output increased, while my time spent working decreased. I'm so angry and sad at the inadequacy of my role models, cultural norms, rationality advice, model of the good EA who does not burn out, which still led me to smash into the wall despite their best intentions. I became so estranged from my own body and perceptions, ignoring my core motivations, feeling harder and harder to work. I dug myself such deep a hole. I'm terrified at the prospect to have to rebuild my motivation myself again.
So I keep seeing takes about how to tell if LLMs are "really exhibiting goal-directed behavior" like a human or whether they are instead "just predicting the next token". And, to me at least, this feels like a confused sort of question that misunderstands what humans are doing when they exhibit goal-directed behavior. Concrete example. Let's say we notice that Jim has just pushed the turn signal lever on the side of his steering wheel. Why did Jim do this? The goal-directed-behavior story is as follows: * Jim pushed the turn signal lever because he wanted to alert surrounding drivers that he was moving right by one lane * Jim wanted to alert drivers that he was moving one lane right because he wanted to move his car one lane to the right. * Jim wanted to move his car one lane to the right in order to accomplish the goal of taking the next freeway offramp * Jim wanted to take the next freeway offramp because that was part of the most efficient route from his home to his workplace * Jim wanted to go to his workplace because his workplace pays him money * Jim wants money because money can be exchanged for goods and services * Jim wants goods and services because they get him things he terminally values like mates and food But there's an alternative story: * When in the context of "I am a middle-class adult", the thing to do is "have a job". Years ago, this context triggered Bob to perform the action "get a job", and now he's in the context of "having a job". * When in the context of "having a job", "showing up for work" is the expected behavior. * Earlier this morning, Bob had the context "it is a workday" and "I have a job", which triggered Bob to begin the sequence of actions associated with the behavior "commuting to work" * Bob is currently approaching the exit for his work - with the context of "commuting to work", this means the expected behavior is "get in the exit lane", and now he's in the context "switching one lane to the right" * In the context of "switching one lane to the right", one of the early actions is "turn on the right turn signal by pushing the turn signal lever". And that is what Bob is doing right now. I think this latter framework captures some parts of human behavior that the goal-directed-behavior framework misses out on. For example, let's say the following happens 1. Jim is going to see his good friend Bob on a Saturday morning 2. Jim gets on the freeway - the same freeway, in fact, that he takes to work every weekday morning 3. Jim gets into the exit lane for his work, even though Bob's house is still many exits away 4. Jim finds himself pulling onto the street his workplace is on 5. Jim mutters "whoops, autopilot" under his breath, pulls a u turn at the next light, and gets back on the freeway towards Bob's house This sequence of actions is pretty nonsensical from a goal-directed-behavior perspective, but is perfectly sensible if Jim's behavior here is driven by contextual heuristics like "when it's morning and I'm next to my work's freeway offramp, I get off the freeway". Note that I'm not saying "humans never exhibit goal-directed behavior". Instead, I'm saying that "take a goal, and come up with a plan to achieve that goal, and execute that plan" is, itself, just one of the many contextually-activated behaviors humans exhibit. I see no particular reason that an LLM couldn't learn to figure out when it's in a context like "the current context appears to be in the execute-the-next-step-of-the-plan stage of such-and-such goal-directed-behavior task", and produce the appropriate output token for that context.

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A friend has spent the last three years hounding me about seed oils. Every time I thought I was safe, he’d wait a couple months and renew his attack:

“When are you going to write about seed oils?”

“Did you know that seed oils are why there’s so much {obesity, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, cancer, dementia}?”

“Why did you write about {meth, the death penalty, consciousness, nukes, ethylene, abortion, AI, aliens, colonoscopies, Tunnel Man, Bourdieu, Assange} when you could have written about seed oils?”

“Isn’t it time to quit your silly navel-gazing and use your weird obsessive personality to make a dent in the world—by writing about seed oils?”

He’d often send screenshots of people reminding each other that Corn Oil is Murder and that it’s critical that we overturn our lives...

"Processed" is a political category, not a nutritional one. I suspect that "ultra-processed" was invented because the literal meaning of "processed" was too blatantly at variance with the political job required of it.

By what mechanism could natural selection have optimised our diets? Why should we expect long-tenured features of our diet to be necessarily healthy. We have consumed alcohol since long before we were modern humans, as one obvious counter-example to this sort of argument.
Aside from the rare naturally edible-when-ripe cultivar, olives are (mostly) made edible by fermenting and curing them. With salt, yes. And lye, often. Even olives fermented in water are then cured in brine. What saltless olives are you interacting with? Edit: Also, cooking is very much processing food. It has all the mechanisms to change things and generate relevant pollutants. It changes substances drastically, and different substances differently drastically. Cooking with fire will create smoke, etc. Cooking with overheated teflon cookware will kill your birds. Mechanisms are important. And, yes, soaking food in water, particularly for the specific purpose of cultivating micro-organisms to destroy the bad stuff in the food and generate good stuff instead, is some intense, microscopic-level processing.
People have been breathing a lot of smoke in the last million years or so, so one might think that we would have evolved to tolerate it, but it's still really bad for us. Though there are certainly lots of ways to go wrong deviating from what we are adapted to, our current unnatural environment is far better for our life expectancy than the natural one. As pointed out in other comments, some food processing can be better for us.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced today additional members of the executive leadership team of the U.S. AI Safety Institute (AISI), which is housed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Raimondo named Paul Christiano as Head of AI Safety, Adam Russell as Chief Vision Officer, Mara Campbell as Acting Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff, Rob Reich as Senior Advisor, and Mark Latonero as Head of International Engagement. They will join AISI Director Elizabeth Kelly and Chief Technology Officer Elham Tabassi, who were announced in February. The AISI was established within NIST at the direction of President Biden, including to support the responsibilities assigned to the Department of Commerce under the President’s landmark Executive Order.

Paul Christiano, Head of AI Safety, will design


I did not say that they didn't want to ban things, I explicitly said "whether to allow certain classes of research at all," and when I said "happy to rely on those levels, I meant that the idea that we should have "BSL-5" is the kind of silly thing that novice EAs propose that doesn't make sense because there literally isn't something significantly more restrictive other than just banning it.

I also think that "nearly all EA's focused on biorisk think gain of function research should be banned" is obviously underspecified, and wrong because of the details. Yes, we all think that there is a class of work that should be banned, but tons of work that would be called gain of function isn't in that class.

tl;dr: Recently reported GPT-J experiments [1 2 3 4] prompting for definitions of points in the so-called "semantic void" (token-free regions of embedding space) were extended to fifteen other open source base models from four families, producing many of the same bafflingly specific outputs. This points to an entirely unexpected kind of LLM universality (for which no explanation is offered, although a few highly speculative ideas are riffed upon).

Work supported by the Long Term Future Fund. Thanks to quila for suggesting the use of "empty string definition" prompts, and to janus for technical assistance.


"Mapping the semantic void: Strange goings-on in GPT embedding spaces" presented a selection of recurrent themes (e.g., non-Mormons, the British Royal family, small round things, holes) in outputs produced by prompting GPT-J to define...

'When you suppress attention to [generic object] at the sequence position where it predicts [condition], you will get a reasonable condition.' Can you unpack what you mean by 'a reasonable condition' here?

Something like 'A Person, who is not a Librarian' would be reasonable. Some people are librarians, and some are not.

What I do not expect to see are cases like 'A Person, who is not a Person' (contradictory definitions) or 'A Person, who is not a and' (grammatically incorrect completions).

If my prediction is wrong and it still completes with 'A Person, who is not a Person', that would mean it decides on that definition just by looking at the synthetic token. It would "really believe" that this token has that definition.


Imagine an alternate version of the Effective Altruism movement, whose early influences came from socialist intellectual communities such as the Fabian Society, as opposed to the rationalist diaspora. Let’s name this hypothetical movement the Effective Samaritans.

Like the EA movement of today, they believe in doing as much good as possible, whatever this means. They began by evaluating existing charities, reading every RCT to find the very best ways of helping.

But many effective samaritans were starting to wonder. Is this randomista approach really the most prudent? After all, Scandinavia didn’t become wealthy and equitable through marginal charity. Societal transformation comes from uprooting oppressive power structures.

The Scandinavian societal model which lifted the working class, brought weekends, universal suffrage, maternity leave, education, and universal healthcare can be traced back all the...

IBE arguments don't exactly work that way. The argument is usually that one person is arguing that some hypothesis H is the best available explanation for the evidence E in question, and if the other person agrees with that, it is hard for them to not also agree that H is probably true (or something like that). Most people already accept IBE as an inference rule. They wouldn't say "Yes, the existence of an external world seems to be the best available explanation for our experiences, but I still don't believe the external world exists" nor "Yes, the best available explanation for the missing cheese is that a mouse ate it, but I still don't believe a mouse ate the cheese". And if they do disagree about H being the best available explanation, they usually feel compelled to argue that some H' is a better explanation.

What is the measure of goodness? How does one judge what is the "better" explanation? Without an account of that, what is IBE?

The history of science has tons of examples of the same thing being discovered multiple time independently; wikipedia has a whole list of examples here. If your goal in studying the history of science is to extract the predictable/overdetermined component of humanity's trajectory, then it makes sense to focus on such examples.

But if your goal is to achieve high counterfactual impact in your own research, then you should probably draw inspiration from the opposite: "singular" discoveries, i.e. discoveries which nobody else was anywhere close to figuring out. After all, if someone else would have figured it out shortly after anyways, then the discovery probably wasn't very counterfactually impactful.

Alas, nobody seems to have made a list of highly counterfactual scientific discoveries, to complement wikipedia's list of multiple discoveries.


Nitpick: you're talking about the discovery of the structure of DNA; it was already known at that time to be the particle which mediates inheritance IIRC.

I buy this argument.
I buy this argument.
I don't buy mathematical equivalence as an argument against, in this case, since the whole point of the path integral formulation is that it's mathematically equivalent but far simpler conceptually and computationally.

A lot of the time, I'm not very motivated to work, at least on particular projects. Sometimes, I feel very inspired and motivated to work on a particular project that I usually don't feel (as) motivated to work on. Sometimes, this happens in the late evening or at night. And hence I face the question: To sleep or to work until morning?

I think many people here have this problem at least sometimes. I'm curious how you handle it. I expect what the right call is to be very different from person to person and, for some people, from situation to situation. Nevertheless, I'd love to get a feel for whether people generally find one or the other more successful! Especially if it turns out that a large...

Answer by UnderTruthApr 24, 202410

As someone diagnosed with ADHD only recently, as an adult, I can relate to having mental energy that is highly variable, and to having intellectual pursuits which are largely dependent on this energy. It would seem the vast majority of active participants on this website have no kids, so I thought it would be worthwhile to add my perspective, having 3 of my own, in my early 30s. Prior to having kids, I would often stay up until ~2am, deep in some sort of research, and occasionally stay up all night, tracking down and reading articles pertinent to my topic.... (read more)

3Answer by Dagon18h
Definitely.  And the balance changes as one ages as well.  For me, there are some kinds of work where it's very hard to get into the zone, and the cost of an interruption is very high.  However, I just get less effective over long sessions, and this has gotten much worse in the last few decades.   So the point of indifference between "I may not be able to recover this mind-state tomorrow" and "I may not be that useful tonight, and may not be good for ANYTHING tomorrow" has shifted. I would recommend trying it at least a few times each year, in both directions.  Don't ever make one or the other the only option for yourself - it's always a choice.
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The main part of the issue was actually that I was not aware I had internal conflicts. I just mysteriously felt less emotions and motivation. That's the main thing all the articles I read of sustainable productivity did not transmit me, how to recognize it as it happens, without ever having my internal monologue saying "I don't want to work on this" or something.

What do you think antidepressants would be useful for? I don't expect to be matching any clinical criteria for depression.

Where I write up some small ideas that I've been happening that may eventually become their own top level posts. I'll start populating with a few ideas I've posted up as twitter/Facebook thoughts.

You can compute where energy is cheap, then send the results (e.g. weights, inference) on where ever needed.

But Amazon just bought rented half a nuclear power plant (1GW) near Pennsylvania, so maybe it doesn't make sense now.

Epistemic – this post is more suitable for LW as it was 10 years ago


Thought experiment with curing a disease by forgetting

Imagine I have a bad but rare disease X. I may try to escape it in the following way:

1. I enter the blank state of mind and forget that I had X.

2. Now I in some sense merge with a very large number of my (semi)copies in parallel worlds who do the same. I will be in the same state of mind as other my copies, some of them have disease X, but most don’t.  

3. Now I can use self-sampling assumption for observer-moments (Strong SSA) and think that I am randomly selected from all these exactly the same observer-moments. 

4. Based on this, the chances that my next observer-moment after...


A Festival of Writers Who are Wrong on the Internet

May 31 - Jun 2, Berkeley, CA