Frustrated by claims that "enlightenment" and similar meditative/introspective practices can't be explained and that you only understand if you experience them, Kaj set out to write his own detailed gears-level, non-mysterious, non-"woo" explanation of how meditation, etc., work in the same way you might explain the operation of an internal combustion engine.

Brandon Sanderson is a bestselling fantasy author. Despite mostly working with traditional publishers, there is a 50-60 person company formed around his writing[1]. This podcast talks about how the company was formed. Things I liked about this podcast: 1. he and his wife both refer to it as "our" company and describe critical contributions she made. 2. the number of times he was dissatisfied with the way his publisher did something and so hired someone in his own company to do it (e.g. PR and organizing book tours), despite that being part of the publisher's job. 3. He believed in his back catalog enough to buy remainder copies of his books (at $1/piece) and sell them via his own website at sticker price (with autographs). This was a major source of income for a while.  4. Long term grand strategic vision that appears to be well aimed and competently executed. 1. ^ The only non-Sanderson content I found was a picture book from his staff artist. 
There was this voice inside my head that told me that since I got Something to protect, relaxing is never ok above strict minimum, the goal is paramount, and I should just work as hard as I can all the time. This led me to breaking down and being incapable to work on my AI governance job for a week, as I just piled up too much stress. And then, I decided to follow what motivated me in the moment, instead of coercing myself into working on what I thought was most important, and lo and behold! my total output increased, while my time spent working decreased. I'm so angry and sad at the inadequacy of my role models, cultural norms, rationality advice, model of the good EA who does not burn out, which still led me to smash into the wall despite their best intentions. I became so estranged from my own body and perceptions, ignoring my core motivations, feeling harder and harder to work. I dug myself such deep a hole. I'm terrified at the prospect to have to rebuild my motivation myself again.
MIRI Technical Governance Team is hiring, please apply and work with us! We are looking to hire for the following roles: * Technical Governance Researcher (2-4 hires) * Writer (1 hire) The roles are located in Berkeley, and we are ideally looking to hire people who can start ASAP. The team is currently Lisa Thiergart (team lead) and myself. We will research and design technical aspects of regulation and policy that could lead to safer AI, focusing on methods that won’t break as we move towards smarter-than-human AI. We want to design policy that allows us to safely and objectively assess the risks from powerful AI, build consensus around the risks we face, and put in place measures to prevent catastrophic outcomes. The team will likely work on: * Limitations of current proposals such as RSPs * Inputs into regulations, requests for comment by policy bodies (ex. NIST/US AISI, EU, UN) * Researching and designing alternative Safety Standards, or amendments to existing proposals * Communicating with and consulting for policymakers and governance organizations If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on LW or at 
Tamsin Leake2d14-18
Regardless of how good their alignment plans are, the thing that makes OpenAI unambiguously evil is that they created a strongly marketed public product and, as a result, caused a lot public excitement about AI, and thus lots of other AI capabilities organizations were created that are completely dismissive of safety. There's just no good reason to do that, except short-term greed at the cost of higher probability that everyone (including people at OpenAI) dies. (No, "you need huge profits to solve alignment" isn't a good excuse — we had nowhere near exhausted the alignment research that can be done without huge profits.)
Adam Shai13h30
A neglected problem in AI safety technical research is teasing apart the mechanisms of dangerous capabilities exhibited by current LLMs. In particular, I am thinking that for any model organism ( see Model Organisms of Misalignment: The Case for a New Pillar of Alignment Research) of dangerous capabilities (e.g. sleeper agents paper), we don't know how much of the phenomenon depends on the particular semantics of terms like "goal" and "deception" and "lie" (insofar as they are used in the scratchpad or in prompts or in finetuning data) or if the same phenomenon could be had by subbing in more or less any word. One approach to this is to make small toy models of these type of phenomenon where we can more easily control data distributions and yet still get analogous behavior. In this way we can really control for any particular aspect of the data and figure out, scientifically, the nature of these dangers. By small toy model I'm thinking of highly artificial datasets (perhaps made of binary digits with specific correlation structure, or whatever the minimum needed to get the phenomenon at hand).

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This is a cross-post for our paper on fluent dreaming for language models. (arXiv link.) Dreaming, aka "feature visualization," is a interpretability approach popularized by DeepDream that involves optimizing the input of a neural network to maximize an internal feature like a neuron's activation. We adapt dreaming to language models.

Past dreaming work almost exclusively works with vision models because the inputs are continuous and easily optimized. Language model inputs are discrete and hard to optimize. To solve this issue, we adapted techniques from the adversarial attacks literature (GCG, Zou et al 2023). Our algorithm, Evolutionary Prompt Optimization (EPO), optimizes over a Pareto frontier of activation and fluency:

In the paper, we compare dreaming with max-activating dataset examples, demonstrating that dreaming achieves higher activations and similar perplexities to the training...

Very cool. I bet janus would dig this.

I didn’t use to be, but now I’m part of the 2% of U.S. households without a television. With its near ubiquity, why reject this technology?


The Beginning of my Disillusionment

Neil Postman’s book Amusing Ourselves to Death radically changed my perspective on television and its place in our culture. Here’s one illuminating passage:

We are no longer fascinated or perplexed by [TV’s] machinery. We do not tell stories of its wonders. We do not confine our TV sets to special rooms. We do not doubt the reality of what we see on TV [and] are largely unaware of the special angle of vision it affords. Even the question of how television affects us has receded into the background. The question itself may strike some of us as strange, as if one were

  Anecdote, but this form of rapid cutting is most assuredly alive and well. I saw a promotional ad for an upcoming MLB baseball game on TBS. In a mere 25 seconds, I counted over 35 different cuts, cuts between players, cuts between people in the studio, cut after cut after cut. It was strangely exhausting.

When I watched "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" in theaters last year, the animations were amazing but I left two hours later with a headache. Maybe it's a sign that I'm getting older, but it was just too much for my brain.

There has been debate to whether the Efficient Market Hypothesis is or ever was valid.

The evidence brought forward of its death is usually stories of people in the LessWrong community correctly predicting market changes, using only widely available information and rational reasoning.

It might be correct that the market is highly efficient, but that LessWrong members and the community as a whole, in many cases, is even more efficient. 

It is not unreasonable, that rationalists with a certain area of expertise and great knowledge of biases and reasoning, might occasionally find investment opportunities they can reasonably expect to beat the market (adjusted for risk of course). Even if for any given member this happens only once or twice in a lifetime, those opportunities could be highly valuable for the community....


Checking about 2 years after my initial post, it looks like $TSLA has fallen by more than 50%: it looks like the split-adjusted price in early April 2022 was around $330 or $340, and today it's around $145.

Eyeballing the chart, it looks like it's always been lower than that in the subsequent period, and was down to around $185 at the 12 month mark that was initially the target of the competition. That last bit is the bit that was least clear to me at the time: it seemed high probability that Tesla stock would have to fall at some point, but I expressed uncertainty about when because I thought there was a fair probability the market could stay irrational for a longer period.

For the last month, @RobertM and I have been exploring the possible use of recommender systems on LessWrong. Today we launched our first site-wide experiment in that direction. 

Behold, a tab with recommendations!

(In the course of our efforts, we also hit upon a frontpage refactor that we reckon is pretty good: tabs instead of a clutter of different sections. For now, only for logged-in users. Logged-out users see the "Latest" tab, which is the same-as-usual list of posts.)

Why algorithmic recommendations?

A core value of LessWrong is to be timeless and not news-driven. However, the central algorithm by which attention allocation happens on the site is the Hacker News algorithm[1], which basically only shows you things that were posted recently, and creates a strong incentive for discussion to always be...

(Emphasis mine.) Here's an idea[1] for a straightforward(?) recommendation algorithm: Quantilize over all past LessWrong posts by using inflation-adjusted karma as a metric of quality. The advantage is that this is dogfooding on some pretty robust theory. I think this isn't super compute-intensive, since the only thing one has to do is to compute the cumulative distribution function once a day (associating it with the post), and then inverse transform sampling from the CDF. Recommending this way has the disadvantage of not being recency-favoring (which I personally like), and not personalized (which I also like). By default, it also excludes posts below a certain karma threshold. That could be solved by exponentially tilting the distribution instead of cutting it off (θ>0, otherwise to be determined (experimentally?)). Such a recommendation algorithm wouldn't be as robust against very strong optimizers, but since we have some idea what high-karma LessWrong posts look like (& we're not dealing with a superintelligent adversary… yet), that shouldn't be a problem. ---------------------------------------- 1. If I was more virtuous, I'd write a pull request instead of a comment. ↩︎

Personalization is easy to achieve while keeping the algorithm transparent. Just rank your own viewed/commented posts by most frequent tags, then score past posts based on the tags and pick a quantile based on the mixed upvotes/tags score, possibly with a slider parameter that allows you to adjust which of the two things you want to matter most.

I am sceptical of recommender systems - I think they are kind of bound to end up in self reinforcing loops. I'd be more happy seeing a more transparent system - we have tags, upvotes, the works, so you could have something like a series of "suggested searches", e.g. the most common combinations of tags you've visited, that a user has a fast access to while also seeing what precisely is it that they're clicking on. That said, I do trust this website of all things to acknowledge if things aren't going to plan and revert. If we fail to align this one small AI to our values, well, that's a valuable lesson.


Imagine an alternate version of the Effective Altruism movement, whose early influences came from socialist intellectual communities such as the Fabian Society, as opposed to the rationalist diaspora. Let’s name this hypothetical movement the Effective Samaritans.

Like the EA movement of today, they believe in doing as much good as possible, whatever this means. They began by evaluating existing charities, reading every RCT to find the very best ways of helping.

But many effective samaritans were starting to wonder. Is this randomista approach really the most prudent? After all, Scandinavia didn’t become wealthy and equitable through marginal charity. Societal transformation comes from uprooting oppressive power structures.

The Scandinavian societal model which lifted the working class, brought weekends, universal suffrage, maternity leave, education, and universal healthcare can be traced back all the...

Our sensible Chesterton fences

His biased priors

Their inflexible ideological commitments

In addition to epistemic priors, there are also ontological priors and teleological priors to cross compare, each with their own problems. On top of which, people are even worse at comparing non epistemic priors than they are at comparing epistemic priors. As such, attempts to point out that these are an issue will be seen as a battle tactic: move the argument from a domain in which they have the upper hand (from their perspective) to unfamiliar territory in which you'll... (read more)

I mean that those factors don't presuppose different priors. You could still end up with different "posteriors" even with the same "starting point". An example for an (informal) alternative to Bayesian updating, that doesn't require subjective priors, is Inference to the Best Explanation. One could, of course, model the criteria that determine the goodness of explanations as a sort of "prior". But those criteria would be part of the hypothetical IBE algorithm, not a free variable like in Bayesian updating. One could also claim that there are no objective facts about the goodness of explanations and that IBE is invalid. But that's an open question.
I'd definitely call any assumption about which forms preferred explanations should take as a "prior". Maybe I have a more flexible concept of what counts as Bayesian than you, in that sense? Priors don't need to be free parameters, the process has to start somewhere. But if you already have some data and then acquire some more data, obviously the previous data will still affect your conclusions.
The problem with calling parts of a learning algorithm a prior that are not free variables, is that then anything (every part of any learning algorithm) would count as a prior. So even the Bayesian conditionalization rule itself. But that's not what Bayesians consider part of a prior.
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This comes from a podcast called 18Forty, of which the main demographic of Orthodox Jews. Eliezer's sister (Hannah) came on and talked about her Sheva Brachos, which is essentially the marriage ceremony in Orthodox Judaism. People here have likely not seen it, and I thought it was quite funny, so here it is:

David Bashevkin:

So I want to shift now and I want to talk about something that full disclosure, we recorded this once before and you had major hesitation for obvious reasons. It’s very sensitive what we’re going to talk about right now, but really for something much broader, not just because it’s a sensitive personal subject, but I think your hesitation has to do with what does this have to do with the subject at hand?...

Proofreading comment: 

Please change "folks" to "focus"

This is the eighth post in my series on Anthropics. The previous one is Lessons from Failed Attempts to Model Sleeping Beauty Problem. The next one is Beauty and the Bets.


Suppose we take the insights from the previous post, and directly try to construct a model for the Sleeping Beauty problem based on them.

We expect a halfer model, so

On the other hand, in order not repeat Lewis' Model's mistakes:

But both of these statements can only be true if 

And, therefore, apparently,  has to be zero, which sounds obviously wrong. Surely the Beauty can be awaken on Tuesday! 

At this point, I think, you wouldn't be surprised, if I tell you that there are philosophers who are eager to bite this bullet and claim that the Beauty should, indeed, reason as...

2Ape in the coat9h
Well, I think this one is actually correct. But, as I said in the previous comment, the statement "Today is Monday" doesn't actually have a coherent truth value throughout the probability experiment. It's not either True or False. It's either True or True and False at the same time! We can answer every coherently formulated question. Everything that is formally defined has an answer Being careful with the basics allows to understand which question is coherent and which is not. This is the same principle as with every probability theory problem.  Consider Sleeping-Beauty experiment without memory loss. There, the event Monday xor Tuesday also can't be said to always happen. And likewise "Today is Monday" also doesn't have a stable truth value throughout the whole experiment.  Once again, we can't express Beauty's uncertainty between the two days using probability theory. We are just not paying attention to it because by the conditions of the experiment, the Beauty is never in such state of uncertainty. If she remembers a previous awakening then it's Tuesday, if she doesn't - then it's Monday. All the pieces of the issue are already present. The addition of memory loss just makes it's obvious that there is the problem with our intuition.

Re: no coherent “stable” truth value: indeed. But still… if she wonders out loud “what day is it?” at the very moment she says that, it has an answer. An experimenter who overhears her knows the answer. It seems to me that you “resolve” this tension is that the two of them are technically asking a different question, even though they are using the same words. But still… how surprised should she be if she were to learn that today is Monday? It seems that taking your stance to its conclusion, the answer would be “zero surprise: she knew for sure she wou... (read more)

This summarizes a (possibly trivial) observation that I found interesting.



An all-powerful god decides to play a game. They stop time, grab a random human, and ask them "What will you see next?". The human answers, then time is switched back on and the god looks at how well they performed. Most of the time the humans get it right, but occasionally they are caught by surprise and get it wrong.

To be more generous the god decides to give them access (for the game) to the entirety of all objective facts. The position and momentum of every elementary particle, every thought and memory anyone has ever had (before the time freeze) etc. However, suddenly performance in the game drops from 99% to 0%. How can this be? They...

An idea I've been playing with recently:

Suppose you have some "objective world" space . Then in order to talk about subjective questions, you need a reference frame, which we could think of as the members of a fiber of some function , for some "interpretation space" .

The interpretations themselves might abstract to some "latent space" according to a function . Functions of would then be "subjective" (depending on the interpretation they arise from), yet still potentially meaningfully constrained, based on . In particular if some struct... (read more)


A Festival of Writers Who are Wrong on the Internet

May 31 - Jun 2, Berkeley, CA