Frustrated by claims that "enlightenment" and similar meditative/introspective practices can't be explained and that you only understand if you experience them, Kaj set out to write his own detailed gears-level, non-mysterious, non-"woo" explanation of how meditation, etc., work in the same way you might explain the operation of an internal combustion engine.

Brandon Sanderson is a bestselling fantasy author. Despite mostly working with traditional publishers, there is a 50-60 person company formed around his writing[1]. This podcast talks about how the company was formed. Things I liked about this podcast: 1. he and his wife both refer to it as "our" company and describe critical contributions she made. 2. the number of times he was dissatisfied with the way his publisher did something and so hired someone in his own company to do it (e.g. PR and organizing book tours), despite that being part of the publisher's job. 3. He believed in his back catalog enough to buy remainder copies of his books (at $1/piece) and sell them via his own website at sticker price (with autographs). This was a major source of income for a while.  4. Long term grand strategic vision that appears to be well aimed and competently executed. 1. ^ The only non-Sanderson content I found was a picture book from his staff artist. 
There was this voice inside my head that told me that since I got Something to protect, relaxing is never ok above strict minimum, the goal is paramount, and I should just work as hard as I can all the time. This led me to breaking down and being incapable to work on my AI governance job for a week, as I just piled up too much stress. And then, I decided to follow what motivated me in the moment, instead of coercing myself into working on what I thought was most important, and lo and behold! my total output increased, while my time spent working decreased. I'm so angry and sad at the inadequacy of my role models, cultural norms, rationality advice, model of the good EA who does not burn out, which still led me to smash into the wall despite their best intentions. I became so estranged from my own body and perceptions, ignoring my core motivations, feeling harder and harder to work. I dug myself such deep a hole. I'm terrified at the prospect to have to rebuild my motivation myself again.
I recently listened to The Righteous Mind. It was surprising to me that many people seem to intrinsically care about many things that look very much like good instrumental norms to me (in particular loyalty, respect for authority, and purity). The author does not make claims about what the reflective equilibrium will be, nor does he explain how the liberals stopped considering loyalty, respect, and purity as intrinsically good (beyond "some famous thinkers are autistic and didn't realize the richness of the moral life of other people"), but his work made me doubt that most people will have well-being-focused CEV. The book was also an interesting jumping point for reflection about group selection. The author doesn't make the sorts of arguments that would show that group selection happens in practice (and many of his arguments seem to show a lack of understanding of what opponents of group selection think - bees and cells cooperating is not evidence for group selection at all), but after thinking about it more, I now have more sympathy for group-selection having some role in shaping human societies, given that (1) many human groups died, and very few spread (so one lucky or unlucky gene in one member may doom/save the group) (2) some human cultures may have been relatively egalitarian enough when it came to reproductive opportunities that the individual selection pressure was not that big relative to group selection pressure and (3) cultural memes seem like the kind of entity that sometimes survive at the level of the group. Overall, it was often a frustrating experience reading the author describe a descriptive theory of morality and try to describe what kind of morality makes a society more fit in a tone that often felt close to being normative / fails to understand that many philosophers I respect are not trying to find a descriptive or fitness-maximizing theory of morality (e.g. there is no way that utilitarians think their theory is a good description of the kind of shallow moral intuitions the author studies, since they all know that they are biting bullets most people aren't biting, such as the bullet of defending homosexuality in the 19th century).
MIRI Technical Governance Team is hiring, please apply and work with us! We are looking to hire for the following roles: * Technical Governance Researcher (2-4 hires) * Writer (1 hire) The roles are located in Berkeley, and we are ideally looking to hire people who can start ASAP. The team is currently Lisa Thiergart (team lead) and myself. We will research and design technical aspects of regulation and policy that could lead to safer AI, focusing on methods that won’t break as we move towards smarter-than-human AI. We want to design policy that allows us to safely and objectively assess the risks from powerful AI, build consensus around the risks we face, and put in place measures to prevent catastrophic outcomes. The team will likely work on: * Limitations of current proposals such as RSPs * Inputs into regulations, requests for comment by policy bodies (ex. NIST/US AISI, EU, UN) * Researching and designing alternative Safety Standards, or amendments to existing proposals * Communicating with and consulting for policymakers and governance organizations If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on LW or at 
Tamsin Leake2d14-12
Regardless of how good their alignment plans are, the thing that makes OpenAI unambiguously evil is that they created a strongly marketed public product and, as a result, caused a lot public excitement about AI, and thus lots of other AI capabilities organizations were created that are completely dismissive of safety. There's just no good reason to do that, except short-term greed at the cost of higher probability that everyone (including people at OpenAI) dies. (No, "you need huge profits to solve alignment" isn't a good excuse — we had nowhere near exhausted the alignment research that can be done without huge profits.)

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Tacit knowledge is extremely valuable. Unfortunately, developing tacit knowledge is usually bottlenecked by apprentice-master relationships. Tacit Knowledge Videos could widen this bottleneck. This post is a Schelling point for aggregating these videos—aiming to be The Best Textbooks on Every Subject for Tacit Knowledge Videos. Scroll down to the list if that's what you're here for. Post videos that highlight tacit knowledge in the comments and I’ll add them to the post. Experts in the videos include Stephen Wolfram, Holden Karnofsky, Andy Matuschak, Jonathan Blow, Tyler Cowen, George Hotz, and others. 

What are Tacit Knowledge Videos?

Samo Burja claims YouTube has opened the gates for a revolution in tacit knowledge transfer. Burja defines tacit knowledge as follows:

Tacit knowledge is knowledge that can’t properly be transmitted via verbal or written instruction, like the ability to create


I was enthusiastic about the title of this post, hoping for something different from the usual lesswrong content, but disappointed by most of the examples. In my view if you take this idea of learning tacit knowledge with video seriously, it shouldn't affect just how you learn, but what you learn, rather then trying to learn book subjects by watching videos.

1Johannes C. Mayer1h
Yes, abstraction is the right thing to think about. That is the context in which I was considering this computation. In this post I describe a sort of planning abstraction that you can do if you have an extremely regular environment. It does not yet talk about how to store this environment, but you are right that this can of course also be done similarly efficiently.
1Johannes C. Mayer1h
In this post, I describe a toy setup, where I have a graph of 10100 vertices. I would like to compute for any two vertices A and B how to get from A to B, i.e. compute a path from A to B. The point is that if we have a very special graph structure we can do this very efficiently. O(n) where n is the plan length.

In that post, you say that you have a graph of  vertices with a particular structure. In that scenario, where is that structured graph of  vertices coming from? Presumably there's some way you know the graph looks like this

rather than looking like this


If you know that your graph is a nice sparse graph that has lots of nice symmetries, you can take advantage of those properties to skip entire giant sections of the computation.


Imagine an alternate version of the Effective Altruism movement, whose early influences came from socialist intellectual communities such as the Fabian Society, as opposed to the rationalist diaspora. Let’s name this hypothetical movement the Effective Samaritans.

Like the EA movement of today, they believe in doing as much good as possible, whatever this means. They began by evaluating existing charities, reading every RCT to find the very best ways of helping.

But many effective samaritans were starting to wonder. Is this randomista approach really the most prudent? After all, Scandinavia didn’t become wealthy and equitable through marginal charity. Societal transformation comes from uprooting oppressive power structures.

The Scandinavian societal model which lifted the working class, brought weekends, universal suffrage, maternity leave, education, and universal healthcare can be traced back all the...

1Amadeus Pagel15m
I think charter cities are a questionable idea, even though I'm pro free markets. It seems that the sort of constitional change and stability required for a charter city is no easier to achieve then the kind of constitutional change and stability required for a free market in the entire country. I don't think trying either in developing countries as an outsider is a good use of anyone's resources.
Whenever I've seen people invoking Inference to the Best Explanation to justify a conclusion (as opposed to philosophising about the logic of argument), they have given no reason why their preferred explanation is the Best, they have just pronounced it so. A Bayesian reasoner can (or should be able to) show their work, but the ItoBE reasoner has no work to show.
Our sensible Chesterton fences His biased priors Their inflexible ideological commitments In addition to epistemic priors, there are also ontological priors and teleological priors to cross compare, each with their own problems. On top of which, people are even worse at comparing non epistemic priors than they are at comparing epistemic priors. As such, attempts to point out that these are an issue will be seen as a battle tactic: move the argument from a domain in which they have the upper hand (from their perspective) to unfamiliar territory in which you'll have an advantage, and resisted. You may share the experience I've had that most attempts at discussion don't go anywhere. We mostly repeat our cached knowledge at each other. If two people who are earnestly trying to grok each other's positions drill down for long enough they'll get to a bit of ontology comparison, where it turns out they have different intuitions because they are using different conceptual metaphors for different moving parts of their model. But this takes so long that by the time it happens only a few bits of information get exchanged before one or both parties are too tired to continue. The workaround seems to be that if two people have a working relationship then, over time, they can accrue enough bits to get to real cruxes, and this can occasionally suggest novel research directions. My main theory of change is therefore to find potentially productive pairings of people faster, and create the conditions under which they can speedrun getting to useful cruxes. Unfortunately, Eli Tyre tried this theory of change and reported that it mostly didn't work, after a bunch of good faith efforts from a bunch of people. I'm not sure what's next. I personally believe more progress could be made if people were trained in consciousness of abstraction (per Korzybski), but this is a sufficiently difficult ask as to fail people's priors on how much effort to spend on novel skills with unclear payoffs.

This essay is closely based on an excerpt from Meyers’s Exploring Social Psychology; the excerpt is worth reading in its entirety.

Cullen Murphy, editor of The Atlantic, said that the social sciences turn up “no ideas or conclusions that can’t be found in [any] encyclopedia of quotations . . . Day after day social scientists go out into the world. Day after day they discover that people’s behavior is pretty much what you’d expect.”

Of course, the “expectation” is all hindsight. (Hindsight bias: Subjects who know the actual answer to a question assign much higher probabilities they “would have” guessed for that answer, compared to subjects who must guess without knowing the answer.)

The historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. dismissed scientific studies of World War II soldiers’ experiences as “ponderous demonstrations”...



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A Festival of Writers Who are Wrong on the Internet[1]

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Confirmed attendees include Scott Alexander, Zvi Mowshowitz, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Katja Grace, and Alexander Wales.


Go through to Less.Online to learn about who's attending, venue, location, housing, relation to Manifest, and more.

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If LessOnline is an awesome rationalist event,
I desire to believe that LessOnline is an awesome rationalist event;

If LessOnline is not an awesome rationalist event,
I desire to believe that LessOnline is not an awesome rationalist event;

Let me not become attached to beliefs I may not want.

      —Litany of Rationalist Event Organizing

  1. ^

    But Striving to be Less So


That's actually not (that much of) a crux for me (who also thinks it's mildly manipulative, but, below the threshold where I feel compelled to push hard for changing it).

EDIT 1/27: This post neglects the entire sub-field of estimating uncertainty of learned representations, as in I might give that a separate follow-up post.



Suppose you've built some AI model of human values. You input a situation, and it spits out a goodness rating. You might want to ask: "What are the error bars on this goodness rating?" In addition to it just being nice to know error bars, an uncertainty estimate can also be useful inside the AI: guiding active learning[1], correcting for the optimizer's curse[2], or doing out-of-distribution detection[3].

I recently got into the uncertainty estimation literature for neural networks (NNs) for a pet reason: I think it would be useful for alignment to quantify the domain of validity of an AI's latent features. If we...

1Jonas Hallgren11h
This was a great post, thank you for making it! I wanted to ask what you thought about the LLM-forecasting papers in relation to this literature? Do you think there are any ways of applying the uncertainty estimation literature to improve the forecasting ability of AI?:

I'm actually not familiar with the nitty gritty of the LLM forecasting papers. But I'll happily give you some wild guessing :)

My blind guess is that the "obvious" stuff is already done (e.g. calibrating or fine-tuning single-token outputs on predictions about facts after the date of data collection), but not enough people are doing ensembling over different LLMs to improve calibration.

I also expect a lot of people prompting LLMs to give probabilities in natural language, and that clever people are already combining these with fine-tuning or post-hoc calibration. But I'd bet people aren't doing enough work to aggregate answers from lots of prompting methods, and then tuning the aggregation function based on the data.

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Concerns over AI safety and calls for government control over the technology are highly correlated but they should not be.

There are two major forms of AI risk: misuse and misalignment. Misuse risks come from humans using AIs as tools in dangerous ways. Misalignment risks arise if AIs take their own actions at the expense of human interests.

Governments are poor stewards for both types of risk. Misuse regulation is like the regulation of any other technology. There are reasonable rules that the government might set, but omission bias and incentives to protect small but well organized groups at the expense of everyone else will lead to lots of costly ones too. Misalignment regulation is not in the Overton window for any government. Governments do not have strong incentives...

Rudi C1h10

A core disagreement is over “more doomed.” Human extinction is preferable to a totalitarian stagnant state. I believe that people pushing for totalitarianism have never lived under it.

You're saying governments can't address existential risk, because they only care about what happens within their borders and term limits. And therefore we should entrust existential risk to firms, which only care about their own profit in the next quarter?!
7Quadratic Reciprocity16h
From the comment thread: What are specific regulations / existing proposals that you think are likely to be good? When people are protesting to pause AI, what do you want them to be speaking into a megaphone (if you think those kinds of protests could be helpful at all right now)? 
9Daniel Kokotajlo15h
Reporting requirements, especially requirements to report to the public what your internal system capabilities are, so that it's impossible to have a secret AGI project. Also reporting requirements of the form "write a document explaining what capabilities, goals/values, constraints, etc. your AIs are supposed to have, and justifying those claims, and submit it to public scrutiny. So e.g. if your argument is 'we RLHF'd it to have those goals and constraints, and that probably works because there's No Evidence of deceptive alignment or other speculative failure modes' then at least the world can see that no, you don't have any better arguments than that. That would be my minimal proposal. My maximal proposal would be something like "AGI research must be conducted in one place: the United Nations AGI Project, with a diverse group of nations able to see what's happening in the project and vote on each new major training run and have their own experts argue about the safety case etc." There's a bunch of options in between. I'd be quite happy with an AGI Pause if it happened, I just don't think it's going to happen, the corporations are too powerful. I also think that some of the other proposals are strictly better while also being more politically feasible. (They are more complicated and easily corrupted though, which to me is the appeal of calling for a pause. Harder to get regulatory-captured than something more nuanced.)  

I recently listened to The Righteous Mind. It was surprising to me that many people seem to intrinsically care about many things that look very much like good instrumental norms to me (in particular loyalty, respect for authority, and purity).

The author does not make claims about what the reflective equilibrium will be, nor does he explain how the liberals stopped considering loyalty, respect, and purity as intrinsically good (beyond "some famous thinkers are autistic and didn't realize the richness of the moral life of other people"), but his work made me... (read more)

You want to get to your sandwich:

Well, that’s easy. Apparently we are in some kind of grid world, which is presented to us in the form of a lattice graph, where each vertex represents a specific world state, and the edges tell us how we can traverse the world states. We just do BFS to go from  (where we are) to  (where the sandwich is):

BFS search where color represents the search depth.

Ok that works, and it’s also fast. It’s , where  is the number of vertices and  is the number of edges... well at least for small graphs it’s fast. What about this graph:

A 3D lattice graph.

Or what about this graph:

In fact, what about a 100-dimensional lattice graph with a side length of only 10 vertices? We will have  vertices in this graph. 



A Festival of Writers Who are Wrong on the Internet

May 31 - Jun 2, Berkeley, CA