

Sure that works! Maybe use a term like "importantly misguided" instead of "correct"? (Seems easier for me to evaluate)


To anyone reading this who is considering working in alignment --

Following the recent revelations, I now believe OpenAI should be regarded as a bad faith actor. If you go work at OpenAI, I believe your work will be net negative; and will most likely be used to "safetywash" or "governance-wash" Sam Altman's mad dash to AGI. It now appears Sam Altman is at least a sketchy as SBF. Attempts to build "social capital" or "affect the culture from the inside" will not work under current leadership (indeed, what we're currently seeing are the failed results of 5+ years of such attempts). I would very strongly encourage anyone looking to contribute to stay away from OpenAI

I recognize this is a statement, and not an argument. I don't have the time to write out the full argument. But I'm leaving this comment here, such that others can signal agreement with it. 

That's more about me being interested in key global infrastructure, I've been curious about them for quite a lot of years after realising the combination of how significant what they're building is vs how few folks know about them. I don't know that they have any particularly generative AI related projects in the short term. 

Anyone know folks working on semiconductors in Taiwan and Abu Dhabi, or on fiber at Tata Industries in Mumbai? 

I'm currently travelling around the world and talking to folks about various kinds of AI infrastructure, and looking for recommendations of folks to meet! 

If so, freel free to DM me! 

(If you don't know me, I'm a dev here on LessWrong and was also part of founding Lightcone Infrastructure.)

Noting that a nicer name that's just waiting to be had, in this context, is "Future of the Lightcone Institute" :) 

Two notes: 

  1. I think the title is a somewhat obscure pun referencing the old saying that Stanford was the "Harvard of the West". If one is not familiar with that saying, I guess some of the nuance is lost in the choice of term. (I personally had never heard that saying before recently, and I'm not even quite sure I'm referencing the right "X of the West" pun)
  2. habryka did have a call with Nick Bostrom a few weeks back, to discuss his idea for an "FHI of the West", and I'm quite confident he referred to it with that phrase on the call, too. Far as I'm aware Nick didn't particularly react to it with more than a bit humor. 
Answer by jacobjacob40

See this: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CTBta9i8sav7tjC2r/how-to-hopefully-ethically-make-money-off-of-agi

Can you CC me too? 

I work from the same office as John; and the location also happens to have dozens of LessWrong readers work there on a regular basis. We could probably set up an experiment here with many willing volunteers; and I'm interested in helping to make it happen (if it continues to seem promising after thinking more about it). 

[Mod note: I edited out your email from the comment, to save you from getting spam email and similar. If you really want it there, feel free to add it back! :) ]

Mod here: most of the team were away over the weekend so we just didn't get around to processing this for personal vs frontpage yet. (All posts start as personal until approved to frontpage.) About to make a decision in this morning's moderation review session, as we do for all other new posts. 

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