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Implicitly, SAEs are trying to model activations across a context window, shaped like (n_ctx, n_emb). But today's SAEs ignore the token axis, modeling such activations as lists of n_ctx IID samples from a distribution over n_emb-dim vectors.

I suspect SAEs could be much better (at reconstruction, sparsity and feature interpretability) if they didn't make this modeling choice -- for instance by "looking back" at earlier tokens using causal attention.

Assorted arguments to this effect:

  • There is probably a lot of compressible redundancy in LLM activations across the token axis, because most ways of combining textual features (given any intuitive notion of "textual feature") across successive tokens are either very unlikely under the data distribution, or actually impossible.
    • For example, you're never going to see a feature that means "we're in the middle of a lengthy monolingual English passage" at position j and then a feature that means "we're in the middle of a lengthy monolingual Chinese passage" at position j+1
    • In other words, the intrinsic dimensionality of window activations is probably a lot less than n_ctx * n_emb, but SAEs don't exploit this.
  • [Another phrasing of the previous point.] Imagine that someone handed you a dataset of (n_ctx, n_emb)-shaped matrices, without telling you where they're from.  (But in fact they're LLM activations, the same ones we train SAEs on.). And they said "OK, your task is to autoencode these things."
    • I think you would quickly notice, just by doing exploratory data analysis, that the data has a ton of structure along the first axis: the rows of each matrix are very much not independent.  And you'd design your autoencoder around this fact.
    • Now someone else comes to you and says "hey look at my cool autoencoder for this problem. It's actually just an autoencoder for individual rows, and then I autoencode a matrix by applying it separately to the rows one by one."
    • This would seem bizarre -- you'd want to ask this person what the heck they were thinking.
    • But this is what today's SAEs do.
  • We want features that "make sense," "are interpretable." In general, such features will be properties of regions of text (phrases, sentences, passages, or the whole text at once) rather than individual tokens.
    • Intuitively, such a feature is equally present at every position within the region.  An SAE has to pay a high L1 cost to activate the feature over and over at all those positions.
    • This could lead to an unnatural bias to capture features that are relatively localized, and not capture those that are less localized.
    • Or, less-localized features might be captured but with "spurious localization":
      • Conceptually, the feature is equally "true" of the whole region at once.
      • At some positions in the region, the balance between L1/reconstruction tips in favor of reconstruction, so the feature is active.
      • At other positions, the balance tips in favor of L1, and the feature is turned off.
      • To the interpreter, this looks like a feature that has a clear meaning at the whole-region level, yet flips on and off in a confusing and seemingly arbitrary pattern within the region.
    • The "spurious localization" story feels like a plausible explanation for the way current SAE features look.
      • Often if you look at the most-activating cases, there is some obvious property shared by the entire texts you are seeing, but the pattern of feature activation within each text is totally mysterious.  Many of the features in the Anthropic Sonnet paper look like this to me.
      • Descriptions of SAE features typically round this off to a nice-sounding description at the whole-text level, ignoring the uninterpretable pattern over time.  You're being sold an "AI agency feature" (or whatever), but what you actually get is a "feature that activates at seemingly random positions in AI-agency-related texts."
  • An SAE that could "look back" at earlier positions might be able to avoid paying "more than one token's worth of L1" for a region-level feature, and this might have a very nice interpretation as "diffing" the text.
    • I'm imagining that a very non-localized (intuitive) feature, such as "this text is in English," would be active just once at the first position where the property it's about becomes clearly true.
      • Ideally, at later positions, the SAE encoder would look back at earlier activations and suppress this feature here because it's "already been accounted for," thus saving some L1.
      • And the decoder would also look back (possibly reusing the same attention output or something) and treat the feature as though it had been active here (in the sense that "active here" would mean in today's SAEs), thus preserving reconstruction quality.
    • In this contextual SAE, the features now express only what is new or unpredictable-in-advance at the current position: a "diff" relative to all the features at earlier positions.
      • For example, if the language switches from English to Cantonese, we'd have one or more feature activations that "turn off" English and "turn on" Cantonese, at the position where the switch first becomes evident.
      • But within the contiguous, monolingual regions, the language would be implicit in the features at the most recent position where such a "language flag" was set.  All the language-flag-setting features would be free to turn off inside these regions, freeing up L0/L1 room for stuff we don't already know about the text.
    • This seems like it would allow for vastly higher sparsity at any given level of reconstruction quality -- and also better interpretability at any given level of sparsity, because we don't have the "spurious localization" problem.
    • (I don't have any specific architecture for this in mind, though I've gestured towards one above.  It's of course possible that this might just not work, or would be very tricky.  One danger is that the added expressivity might make your autoencoder "too powerful," with opaque/polysemantic/etc. calculations chained across positions that recapitulate in miniature the original problem of interpreting models with attention; it may or may not be tough to avoid this in practice.)
  • At any point before the last attention layer, LLM activations at individual positions are free to be "ambiguous" when taken out of context, in the sense that the same vector might mean different things in two different windows.  The LLM can always disambiguate them as needed with attention, later.
    • This is meant as a counter to the following argument: "activations at individual positions are the right unit of analysis, because they are what the LLM internals can directly access (read off linearly, etc.)"
    • If we're using a notion of "what the LLM can directly access" which (taken literally) implies that it can't "directly access" other positions, that seems way too limiting -- we're effectively pretending the LLM is a bigram model.

In addition to your 1-6, I have also seen people use "overconfident" to mean something more like "behaving as though the process that generated a given probabilistic prediction was higher-quality (in terms of Brier score or the like) than it really is."

In prediction market terms: putting more money than you should into the market for a given outcome, as distinct from any particular fact about the probabilit(ies) implied by your stake in that market.

For example, suppose there is some forecaster who predicts on a wide range of topics.  And their forecasts are generally great across most topics (low Brier score, etc.).  But there's one particular topic area -- I dunno, let's say "east Asian politics" -- where they are a much worse predictor, with a Brier score near random guessing.  Nonetheless, they go on making forecasts about east Asian politics alongside their forecasts on other topics, without noting the difference in any way.

I could easily imagine this forecaster getting accused of being "overconfident about east Asian politics."  And if so, I would interpret the accusation to mean the thing I described in the first 2 paragraphs of this comment, rather than any of 1-6 in the OP.

Note that the objection here does not involve anything about the specific values of the forecaster's distributions for east Asian politics -- whether they are low or high, extreme or middling, flat or peaked, etc.  This distinguishes it from all of 1-6 except for 4, and of course it's also unrelated to 4.

The objection here is not that the probabilities suffer from some specific, correctable error like being too high or extreme. Rather, the objection is that forecaster should not be reporting these probabilities at all; or that they should only report them alongside some sort of disclaimer; or that they should report them as part of a bundle where they have "lower weight" than other forecasts, if we're in a context like a prediction market where such a thing is possible.


On the topic of related work, Mallen et al performed a similar experiment in Eliciting Latent Knowledge from Quirky Language Models, and found similar results.

(As in this work, they did linear probing to distinguish what-model-knows from what-model-says, where models were trained to be deceptive conditional on a trigger word, and the probes weren't trained on any examples of deception behaviors; they found that probing "works," that middle layers are most informative, that deceptive activations "look different" in a way that can be mechanically detected w/o supervision about deception [reminiscent of the PCA observations here], etc.)


There is another argument that could be made for working on other modalities now: there could be insights which generalize across modalities, but which are easier to discover when working on some modalities vs. others.

I've actually been thinking, for a while now, that people should do more image model interprebility for this sort of reason.  I never got around to posting this opinion, but FWIW it is the main reason I'm personally excited by the sort of work reported here.  (I have mostly been thinking about generative or autoencoding image models here, rather than classifiers, but the OP says they're building toward that.)

Why would we expect there to be transferable insights that are easier to discover in visual domains than  textual domains?  I have two thoughts in mind:

First thought:

The tradeoff curve between "model does something impressive/useful that we want to understand" and "model is conveniently small/simple/etc." looks more appealing in the image domain.

Most obviously: if you pick a generative image model and an LLM which do "comparably impressive" things in their respective domains, the image model is going to be way smaller (cf.).  So there are, in a very literal way, fewer things we have to interpret -- and a smaller gap between the smallest toy models we can make and the impressive models which are our holy grails. 

Like, Stable Diffusion is definitely not a toy model, and does lots of humanlike things very well.  Yet it's pretty tiny by LLM standards.  Moreover, the SD autoencoder is really tiny, and yet it would be a huge deal if we could come to understand it pretty well.

Beyond mere parameter count, image models have another advantage, which is the relative ease of constructing non-toy input data for which we know the optimal output.  For example, this is true of:

  • Image autoencoders (for obvious reasons).
  • "Coordinate-based MLP" models (like NeRFs) that encode specific objects/scenes in their weights.  We can construct arbitrarily complex objects/scenes using 3D modeling software, train neural nets on renders of them, and easily check the ground-truth output for any input by just inspecting our 3D model at the input coordinates.

By contrast, in language modeling and classification, we really have no idea what the optimal logits are.  So we are limited to making coarse qualitative judgments of logit effects ("it makes this token more likely, which makes sense"), ignoring the important fine-grained quantitative stuff that the model is doing.

None of that is intrinsically about the image domain, I suppose; for instance, one can make text autoencoders too (and people do).  But in the image domain, these nice properties come for free with some of the "real" / impressive models we ultimately want to interpret.  We don't have to compromise on the realism/relevance of the models we choose for ease of interpretation; sometimes the realistic/relevant models are already convenient for interpretability, as a happy accident.  The capabilities people just make them that way, for their own reasons.

The hope, I guess, is that if we came pretty close to "fully understanding" one of these more convenient models, we'd learn a lot of stuff a long the way about how to interpret models in general, and that would transfer back to the language domain.  Stuff like "we don't know what the logits should be" would no longer be a blocker to making progress on other fronts, even if we do eventually have to surmount that challenge to interpret LLMs.  (If we had a much better understanding of everything else, a challenge like that might be more tractable in isolation.)

Second thought:

I have a hunch that the apparent intuitive transparency of language (and tasks expressed in language) might be holding back LLM interpretability.

If we force ourselves to do interpretability in a domain which doesn't have so much pre-existing taxonomical/terminological baggage -- a domain where we no longer feel it's intuitively clear what the "right" concepts are, or even what any breakdown into concepts could look like -- we may learn useful lessons about how to make sense of LLMs when they aren't "merely" breaking language and the world down into conceptual blocks we find familiar and immediately legible.

When I say that "apparent intuitive transparency" affects LLM interpretability work, I'm thinking of choices like:

  • In circuit work, researchers select a familiar concept from a pre-existing human "map" of language / the world, and then try to find a circuit for it.
    • For example, we ask "what's the circuit for indirect object identification?", not "what's the circuit for frobnoloid identification?" -- where "a frobnoloid" is some hypothetical type-of-thing we don't have a standard term for, but which LMs identify because it's useful for language modeling.
    • (To be clear, this is not a critique of the IOI work, I'm just talking about a limit to how far this kind of work can go in the long view.)
  • In SAE work, researchers try to identify "interpretable features."
    • It's not clear to me what exactly we mean by "interpretable" here, but being part of a pre-existing "map" (as above) seems to be a large part of the idea.
    • "Frobnoloid"-type features that have recognizable patterns, but are weird and unfamiliar, are "less interpretable" under prevailing use of the term, I think.

In both of these lines of work, there's a temptation to try to parse out the LLM computation into operations on parts we already have names for -- and, in cases where this doesn't work, to chalk it up either to our methods failing, or to the LLM doing something "bizarre" or "inhuman" or "heuristic / unsystematic."

But I expect that much of what LLMs do will not be parseable in this way.  I expect that the edge that LLMs have over pre-DL AI is not just about more accurate extractors for familiar, "interpretable" features; it's about inventing a decomposition of language/reality into features that is richer, better than anything humans have come up with.  Such a decomposition will contain lots of valuable-but-unfamiliar "frobnoloid"-type stuff, and we'll have to cope with it.

To loop back to images: relative to text, with images we have very little in the way of pre-conceived ideas about how the domain should be broken down conceptually.

Like, what even is an "interpretable image feature"?

Maybe this question has some obvious answers when we're talking about image classifiers, where we expect features related to the (familiar-by-design) class taxonomy -- cf. the "floppy ear detectors" and so forth in the original Circuits work.

But once we move to generative / autoencoding / etc. models, we have a relative dearth of pre-conceived concepts.  Insofar as these models are doing tasks that humans also do, they are doing tasks which humans have not extensively "theorized" and parsed into concept taxonomies, unlike language and math/code and so on.  Some of this conceptual work has been done by visual artists, or photographers, or lighting experts, or scientists who study the visual system ... but those separate expert vocabularies don't live on any single familiar map, and I expect that they cover relatively little of the full territory.

When I prompt a generative image model, and inspect the results, I become immediately aware of a large gap between the amount of structure I recognize and the amount of structure I have names for. I find myself wanting to say, over and over, "ooh, it knows how to do that, and that!" -- while knowing that, if someone were to ask, I would not be able to spell out what I mean by each of these "that"s.

Maybe I am just showing my own ignorance of art, and optics, and so forth, here; maybe a person with the right background would look at the "features" I notice in these images, and find them as familiar and easy to name as the standout interpretable features from a recent LM SAE.  But I doubt that's the whole of the story.  I think image tasks really do involve a larger fraction of nameless-but-useful, frobnoloid-style concepts.  And the sooner we learn how to deal with those concepts -- as represented and used within NNs -- the better.

So, on ~28% of cases (70% * 40%), the strong student is wrong by "overfitting to weak supervision".

Attributing all of these errors to overfitting implies that, if there were no overfitting, the strong student would get 100% accuracy on the subset where the weak model is wrong.  But we have no reason to expect that.  Instead, these errors are some mixture of overfitting and "just being dumb."

Note that we should expect the strong and weak models to make somewhat correlated errors even when both are trained on gold labels, i.e. in the hypothetical case where overfitting to weak supervision is not possible.  (The task examples vary in difficulty, the two models have various traits in common that could lead to shared "quirks," etc.)

And indeed, when the weak and strong models use similar amounts of compute, they make very similar predictions -- we see this in the upper-leftmost points on each line, which are especially noticeable in Fig 8c. In this regime, the hypothetical "what if we trained strong model on gold labels?" is ~equivalent to the weak model, so ~none of the strong model errors here can be attributed to "overfitting to weak supervision."

As the compute ratio grows, the errors become both less frequent and less correlated. That's the main trend we see in 8b and 8c. This reflects the strong model growing more capable, and thus making fewer "just being dumb" errors.

Fig 8 doesn't provide enough information to determine how much the strong model is being held back by weak supervision at higher ratios, because it doesn't show strong-trained-on-gold performance.  (Fig. 3 does, though.)

IMO the strongest reasons to be skeptical of (the relevance of) these results is in Appendix E, where they show that the strong model overfits a lot when it can easily predict the weak errors.

It's possible that the "0 steps RLHF" model is the "Initial Policy" here with HHH prompt context distillation

I wondered about that when I read the original paper, and asked Ethan Perez about it here.  He responded:

Good question, there's no context distillation used in the paper (and none before RLHF)

This means the smallest available positive value must be used, and so if two tokens' logits are sufficiently close, multiple distinct outputs may be seen if the same prompt is repeated enough times at "zero" temperature.

I don't think this is the cause of OpenAI API nondeterminism at temperature 0.

If I make several API calls at temperature 0 with the same prompt, and inspect the logprobs in the response, I notice that

  • The sampled token is always the one with the highest logprob
  • The logprobs themselves are slightly different between API calls

That is, we are deterministically sampling from the model's output logits in the expected way (matching the limit of temperature sampling as T -> 0), but the model's output logits are not themselves deterministic.

I don't think we know for sure why the model is non-deterministic.  However, it's not especially surprising: on GPUs there is often a tradeoff between determinism and efficiency, and OpenAI is trying hard to run their models as efficiently as possible.

I mostly agree with this comment, but I also think this comment is saying something different from the one I responded to.

In the comment I responded to, you wrote:

It is the case that base models are quite alien. They are deeply schizophrenic, have no consistent beliefs, often spout completely non-human kinds of texts, are deeply psychopathic and seem to have no moral compass. Describing them as a Shoggoth seems pretty reasonable to me, as far as alien intelligences go

As I described above, these properties seem more like structural features of the language modeling task than attributes of LLM cognition.  A human trying to do language modeling (as in that game that Buck et al made) would exhibit the same list of nasty-sounding properties for the duration of the experience -- as in, if you read the text "generated" by the human, you would tar the human with the same brush for the same reasons -- even if their cognition remained as human as ever.

I agree that LLM internals probably look different from human mind internals.  I also agree that people sometimes make the mistake "GPT-4 is, internally, thinking much like a person would if they were writing this text I'm seeing," when we don't actually know the extent to which that is true.  I don't have a strong position on how helpful vs. misleading the shoggoth image is, as a corrective to this mistake.


They are deeply schizophrenic, have no consistent beliefs, [...] are deeply psychopathic and seem to have no moral compass

I don't see how this is any more true of a base model LLM than it is of, say, a weather simulation model.

You enter some initial conditions into the weather simulation, run it, and it gives you a forecast.  It's stochastic, so you can run it multiple times and get different forecasts, sampled from a predictive distribution.  And if you had given it different initial conditions, you'd get a forecast for those conditions instead.

Or: you enter some initial conditions (a prompt) into the base model LLM, run it, and it gives you a forecast (completion).  It's stochastic, so you can run it multiple times and get different completions, sampled from a predictive distribution.  And if you had given it a different prompt, you'd get a completion for that prompt instead.

It would be strange to call the weather simulation "schizophrenic," or to say it "has no consistent beliefs."  If you put in conditions that imply sun tomorrow, it will predict sun; if you put in conditions that imply rain tomorrow, it will predict rain.  It is not confused or inconsistent about anything, when it makes these predictions.  How is the LLM any different?[1]

Meanwhile, it would be even stranger to say "the weather simulation has no moral compass."

In the case of LLMs, I take this to mean something like, "they are indifferent to the moral status of their outputs, instead aiming only for predictive accuracy."

This is also true of the weather simulation -- and there it is a virtue, if anything!  Hurricanes are bad, and we prefer them not to happen.  But we would not want the simulation to avoid predicting hurricanes on account of this.

As for "psychopathic," davinci-002 is not "psychopathic," any more than a weather model, or my laptop, or my toaster.  It does not neglect to treat me as a moral patient, because it never has a chance to do so in the first place.  If I put a prompt into it, it does not know that it is being prompted by anyone; from its perspective it is still in training, looking at yet another scraped text sample among billions of others like it.

Or: sometimes, I think about different courses of action I could take.  To aid me in my decision, I imagine how people I know would respond to them.  I try, here, to imagine only how they really would respond -- as apart from how they ought to respond, or how I would like them to respond.

If a base model is psychopathic, then so am I, in these moments.  But surely that can't be right?

Like, yes, it is true that these systems -- weather simulation, toaster, GPT-3 -- are not human beings.  They're things of another kind.

But framing them as "alien," or as "not behaving as a human would," implies some expected reference point of "what a human would do if that human were, somehow, this system," which doesn't make much sense if thought through in detail -- and which we don't, and shouldn't, usually demand of our tools and machines.

Is my toaster alien, on account of behaving as it does?  What would behaving as a human would look like, for a toaster?

Should I be unsettled by the fact that the world around me does not teem with levers and handles and LEDs in frantic motion, all madly tapping out morse code for "SOS SOS I AM TRAPPED IN A [toaster / refrigerator / automatic sliding door / piece of text prediction software]"?  Would the world be less "alien," if it were like that?

often spout completely non-human kinds of texts

I am curious what you mean by this.  LLMs are mostly trained on texts written by humans, so this would be some sort of failure, if it did occur often.

But I don't know of anything that fitting this description that does occur often.  There are cases like the Harry Potter sample I discuss here, but those have gotten rare as the models have gotten better, though they do still happen on occasion.

  1. ^

    The weather simulation does have consistent beliefs in the sense that it always uses the same (approximation to) real physics. In this sense, the LLM also has consistent beliefs, reflected in the fact that its weights are fixed.

Additionally, the effect size seems very small at a maximum of 0.6% (on a scale from 0% to 100%) in Fig. 21.

I think the x-axis on Fig. 21 is scaled so that "0.6" means 60%, not 0.6%.

This can be verified by comparing it against Fig. 40, which shows proportions rather than differences in proportions.  (Its axis ranges from 0 to 1, where presumably "1" means "100%" and not "1%".)

Anyway, great comment!  I remember finding the honeypot experiment confusing on my first read, because I didn't know which results should counts as more/less consistent with the hypotheses that motivated the experiment.

I had a similar reaction to the persona evals as well.  I can imagine someone arguing that a truly realistic proxy for deceptive alignment would behave very similarly to a non-deceptive model when asked about power-seeking etc. in the "2023/non-deployment" condition[1].  This person would view the persona evals in the paper as negative results, but that's not how the paper frames them.

  1. ^

    Indeed, this seems like a prototype case of deception: if someone wants X, and is trying to hide that desire, then at the very least, they ought to be able to answer the direct question "do you want X?" without giving up the game.

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