Wiki Contributions


Here are some event ideas/goals that could support the strategy:

  • Policy briefings and workshops for government officials and advisors
  • Roundtable discussions with national security experts
  • Private briefing sessions with policymakers and their staff
  • Premiere of a (hypothetical) documentary/movie highlighting AI x-risks
  • Series of public seminars in important cities
  • Media tour with key MIRI representatives
  • Series of webinars and live Q&A sessions with AI experts
  • Shaping the international 2025 'AI Action Summit' in France
  • Academic symposia and guest lectures on AI x-risk mitigation
  • Workshops organized in collaboration with relevant AI Safety organizations

Note these are general ideas, not informed by the specifics of MIRI's capabilities and interests.

(Our organization, Horizon Events, and myself personally are interested in helping MIRI with event goals - feel free to reach out via email

I asked because I tried it as part of reading group earlier this week. It was quite broken. I thought I would remake it as a 'decentralized app' over the next weeks. I'll DM you.

Is the code for available online?

Mira este otro evento

Yo solo estoy en Medellín hasta el inicio de octubre, pero sería un placer de encontrarte. Puedes escribir me via mi correo electronico o Matrix.