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I admit it's cheating a bit the spirit of the challenge, but in practice, I guess it's the round amount that makes me suspicious that it might be intentional. But it's true there doesn't seem to be a broader materials related pattern, so it may just be as you say.


I find a pattern in that buildings using Dreams together with either Wood or Silver have an 80% chance of being Impossible when made by a Self-Taught architect, but honestly this seems irrelevant since the other two types of background are a 100% guarantee so they're better value for money anyway.


Fair, depends how hard it is to do that though, I assumed inserting a target gene would be easier than triggering death in a cell that has probably hopelessly broken its apoptosis mechanism.


Question: would it be possible to use retroviruses to target cancer cells selectively to insert a gene that expresses a target protein, and then do monoclonal antibody treatment on that? Would the cancer accelerated metabolism make this any good?


Albeit with wilder swings, current 80 year olds in the US lived and worked through some of the years of highest GDP growth ever. That's not necessarily reproducible. In addition, one's net worth isn't just a linear function of the integral of the GDP throughout their life. For example, being able to buy a house early is a big boost because now you have capital that appreciates, possibly faster than the interests on your debt accrue. Meanwhile if you have to rent, your money disappears down a black hole. Guess what's a big difference between Boomers and Gen Z.


Only if you believe this is a natural stationary progression. In practice, it very likely is not, and current 20 years old won't be as rich as current 80 years old if only they manage to survive 60 years.


I'm skeptical a humanities education doesn't show up in earnings.

The question is more about whether a humanities degree does. It may be that the humanities "genius" is not something you catch in a bottle successfully. After all, the most successful authors don't usually come out of a special Author College. An employer might appreciate theoretically the talent without thinking it significantly correlates with any one degree. And on the other hand, someone like Steve Jobs certainly did have quite a bit of this knack - design and branding require artistic sensibility - yet he's mainly seen as a STEM figure.

If its boredom, better to subsidize the YouTubers, podcasters, and TikTokers than the colleges

The problem with this is that there absolutely are plenty of humanities studies that require time, impartiality and rigour, and that sort of format has all the wrong incentives for it. I think in many ways the subdivision is sort of artificial. History or philology for example are, much like natural sciences, digging towards one truth that theoretically exists, but is inaccessible save for indirect evidence. They're not creative, artistic or particularly subjective pursuits. "Human sciences" would be a more appropriate name for them.


I think debt cancellation would make sense as a sort of amnesty if it came together with some kind of reform that has the goal of preventing the situation from repeating in the future, whatever that may be. Otherwise, it's just a one off with the downsides you mention.

The problem is that fundamentally the argument is that humanities studies have positive externalities that aren't reflected in the salary of their graduates. I don't dismiss this argument, though I think with humanities a lot of value is provided by the very top percentile (e.g. a handful of very capable historians will write books that will be read by millions, most others will do very little unless they teach). In that sense there may be a need to subsidize the humanity degrees, but that might be best done in the long run with things like fully paid bursaries for deserving candidates. There's also a problem of evaluation because of course if you push such an argument you must accept some political accountability, and right now humanities are often terrible at making a case for themselves (every discussion about this I see tends to degenerate into "you can not appreciate our sophisticated knowledge, you bumpkins, but somehow studying humanities makes you a Better Person, so just accept it and thank us for our existence", which isn't terribly persuading. And at the very least, that the experts in subjects most closely associated with rhetoric and the understanding of human nature are so awful at persuasion is in itself concerning).


You're right, but while those heuristics of "better safe than sorry" might be too conservative for some fields, they're pretty spot on for powerful AGI, where the dangers of failure vastly outstrip opportunity costs.


Well, this is really just networking effects. Also why it's really hard to break out with your new hot dating app or social media website, no matter how much Tinder or Twitter suck. For your app to provide utility to users, it needs... users. Good luck breaking that stalemate.

Roads, or bike lanes, are a very literal network. Usefulness suddenly undergone a phase transition only when you hit the percolation point.

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