
Wiki Contributions


I think that's a good idea, if we put this together how much do you think would be a reasonable rent price?

Lol just the last few days I was running through Leetcode's SQL 50 problems to refresh myself. They're some good, fun puzzles.

I'll look into R and basic statistical methods as well.

This is a very interesting topic to me- but unfortunately I think I'm finding the example topic to be a barrier. I don't enough about math or transformers for the examples to make real sense to me and connect to the abstracted idea of how to make effective flashcards to build intuition.

That sounds like a pretty good basic method- I do have some (minimal) programming experience, but I didn't use it for D&D Sci, I literally just opened the data in Excel and tried looking at it and manipulating it that way. I don't know where I would start as far as using code to try and synthesize info from the dataset. I'll definitely look into what other people did though.

These are my favorite kinds of posts. Subject expert gives full explanation of optimal resources and methods they used to get where they are.

I watched this video and this is what I bought maximizing for cost/effectiveness, rate my stack:

I've been experimenting a little bit using AI to create personalized music, and I feel like it's pretty impactful with me. I'm able to keep ideas floating around my unconscious, very interesting, feels like untapped territory.

I'm imagining making an entire soundtrack for my life organized around the values I hold, the personal experiences I find primary, and who I want to become. I think I need to get better at generating AI music though. I've been using Suno, but maybe I need to learn Udio. I was really impressed with what I was able to get out of Suno and for some reason it sounded better to me than Udio even though the quality is obviously inferior in some respects.

I'm always interested in easy QoL improvements- but I have questions.

Water quality can have surprisingly high impact on QoL

What's the evidence for this particularly?

What are the important parts of water quality and how do we know this?

Biggest update for me was the FBI throwing their weight behind it being a lab-leak.

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