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several-decades-old network of tunnels build inside of a mountain



You paperwork's fine.


Should be "your".

If you were trying to spoiler tag that, it didn't work.

My teacup does has a choice.


Should be "does have"; or just "has" (without "does").

You believes Bayesianism


Should be "believe"

"I am a Jew. If there's one thing I know about this universe it's that there's no such thing as God," said Moses.


Is this a joke I'm not religious enough to understand?

They think a bunch of nerds on the darkweb somehow knows more about this Jining then I do living here and administrating it


Should be "know" and "than"

That's what had bought Alia to the entryway


Probably should be "brought".

My solution for this particular kind of spoiler is to save the links for both stories in a note, make sure the first link's display text doesn't say what it is, and write a warning to not click on it or look at the URL. Given my lag rate on combing through my notes for stuff I've saved for later, I'm pretty much guaranteed to have forgotten where the hell I found the story or why it caught my attention by the time I get to it. It's possibly the only area in my life where procrastination and forgetfulness are my friends.

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