Crossposted from the AI Alignment Forum. May contain more technical jargon than usual.
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i.e. if each forecaster  has an first-order belief , and  is your second-order belief about which forecaster is correct, then  should be your first-order belief about the election.

I think there might be a typo here. Did you instead mean to write: "" for the second order beliefs about the forecasters?

Kosoy's infrabayesian monad  is given by 

There are a few different varieties of infrabayesian belief-state, but I currently favour the one which is called "homogeneous ultracontributions", which is "non-empty topologically-closed ⊥–closed convex sets of subdistributions", thus almost exactly the same as Mio-Sarkis-Vignudelli's "non-empty finitely-generated ⊥–closed convex sets of subdistributions monad" (Definition 36 of this paper), with the difference being essentially that it's presentable, but it's much more like  than .

I am not at all convinced by the interpretation of  here as terminating a game with a reward for the adversary or the agent. My interpretation of the distinguished element  in  is not that it represents a special state in which the game is over, but rather a special state in which there is a contradiction between some of one's assumptions/observations. This is very useful for modelling Bayesian updates (Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories, sections 3.5-3.6), in which some variable  is observed to satisfy a certain predicate : this can be modelled by applying the predicate in the form  where  means the predicate is false, and   means it is true. But I don't think there is a dual to logical inconsistency, other than the full set of all possible subdistributions on the state space. It is certainly not the same type of "failure" as losing a game.

For the sake of potential readers, a (full) distribution over  is some  with finite support and , whereas a subdistribution over  is some  with finite support and . Note that a subdistribution  over  is equivalent to a full distribution over , where  is the disjoint union of  with some additional element, so the subdistribution monad can be written .

I am not at all convinced by the interpretation of  here as terminating a game with a reward for the adversary or the agent. My interpretation of the distinguished element  in  is not that it represents a special state in which the game is over, but rather a special state in which there is a contradiction between some of one's assumptions/observations.

Doesn't the Nirvana Trick basically say that these two interpretations are equivalent?

Let  be  and let  be . We can interpret  as possibility,  as a hypothesis consistent with no observations, and  as a hypothesis consistent with all observations.

Alternatively, we can interpret  as the free choice made by an adversary,  as "the game terminates and our agent receives minimal disutility", and  as "the game terminates and our agent receives maximal disutility". These two interpretations are algebraically equivalent, i.e.  is a topped and bottomed semilattice.

Unless I'm mistaken, both  and  demand that the agent may have the hypothesis "I am certain that I will receive minimal disutility", which is necessary for the Nirvana Trick. But  also demands that the agent may have the hypothesis "I am certain that I will receive maximal disutility". The first gives bounded infrabayesian monad and the second gives unbounded infrabayesian monad. Note that Diffractor uses  in Infra-Miscellanea Section 2.

I agree that each of and has two algebraically equivalent interpretations, as you say, where one is about inconsistency and the other is about inferiority for the adversary. (I hadn’t noticed that).

The variant still seems somewhat irregular to me; even though Diffractor does use it in Infra-Miscellanea Section 2, I wouldn’t select it as “the” infrabayesian monad. I’m also confused about which one you’re calling unbounded. It seems to me like the variant is bounded (on both sides) whereas the variant is bounded on one side, and neither is really unbounded. (Being bounded on at least one side is of course necessary for being consistent with infinite ethics.)

Does this article have any practical significance, or is it all just abstract nonsense? How does this help us solve the Big Problem? To be perfectly frank, I have no idea. Timelines are probably too short agent foundations, and this article is maybe agent foundations foundations...

I do think this is highly practically relevant, not least of which because using an infrabayesian monad instead of the distribution monad can provide the necessary kind of epistemic conservatism for practical safety verification in complex cyber-physical systems like the biosphere being protected and the cybersphere being monitored. It also helps remove instrumentally convergent perverse incentives to control everything.


If this is David Jaz Myers, it should be "Myers' thesis", here and elsewhere