Deliberate Practice


This is a common problem with tags it seems. Distillation & Pedagogy is mostly posts about distillation & pedagogy instead of posts that are distillations & pedagogies. And there's a tag for Good Explanations (advice), but no tag for Good Explanations. Otoh, the tag for Technical Explanation is tagged with two technical explanations (yay!)... of technical explanations. :p


Merge with (and alias with) Intentionality?

Applied to Transfer Learning in Humans by niplav ago
Applied to DIY Deliberate Practice by Raemon ago
Applied to Deliberate Play by Yoav Ravid ago

Should this tag only posts specifically tackling deliberate practice as a topic in itself, or also posts discussing the application of deliberate practice to X skill?

This is a common problem with tags it seems. Distillation & Pedagogy is mostly posts about distillation & pedagogy instead of posts that are distillations & pedagogies. And there's a tag for Good Explanations (advice), but no tag for Good Explanations. Otoh, the tag for Technical Explanation is tagged with two technical explanations (yay!)... of technical explanations. :p