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Correction: "is that you experienced was real" -> "is that what you experienced was real"

> Now I knew how to not trigger those defense mechanisms.
The linked video looks like rhetorical aikido. If that's what you're talking about, link it. If you meant something else, what did you learn to do?


You're probably right. I neglected check how effective this would be in any quantitative sense.

I think you underestimate the cost of street-level murals ($100K / mi is about $60 / m), and neglect the benefit of tunnels' inevitable insulation, but the decision would probably end up the same.

  • My phone runs iOS or Android
  • My body mass is between 60 and 80 kg
  • English is one of my native languages

That would be fun in the same way. If your goal in playing includes informing listeners, it's better to use thoroughly absurd facts and an equally-absurd lie; absurdity is low prior probability leads to surprise corresponds to learning.


The post answers most of that, except for the first question, for which my memories of childhood are too vague anyway, but it was surely before when I was 14.


Some of the difference may be the quality (enjoyability, negative of annoyance) of the songs we respectively get as earworms (based ultimately on the quality of the songs we hear). Some of it may be that I can get distracted from verbal thinking by earworm lyrics. The rest is arbitrary personal mind-differences.


I added intention-to-treat statistics in an addendum.


there might be a common antecedent that both improves your mood and causes you to listen to music. As a silly example, maybe you love shopping for jeans, and clothing stores tend to play music, so your mood will, on average, be better on the days you hear music for this reason alone.

There might be a common antecedent that both worsens my mood and causes me to listen to music. As a silly example, maybe I hate shopping for jeans, but clothing stores tend to play music, which actually improves my mood enough to outweigh the shopping. That is, confounding could go both ways here; the effect could be greater than it appears, rather than less.

An intention-to-treat approach where you make the random booleans the explainatory variable would be better, as in less biased and suffer less from confounding.

I'll reanalyse that way and post results, if I remember.

How was this accomplished, technically?

I made a script run in the background on my PC, something like

while true:
    qt = random(0, INTERVAL)
    while time() % INTERVAL < qt:
    mood = popup_input("mood (-1 to 1):")
    earworm = popup_input("song in head (N/D/R/O):")
    save_to_log(time(), mood, earworm)
    sleep(INTERVAL - time() % INTERVAL)

The "constrained by convenience" part means that I recorded data when and only when I was at my PC. More reliable would be to run such a script on a device that's with you most of the time, like a smartphone or smartwatch, but I've no such device.

Answer by dkl990


  1. bury the pen
  2. get a similar pen, put substitute pen in (expected) place of The Pen, and leave The Pen elsewhere
  3. disassemble the pen, reassemble just before sale to Einstein
  4. send it to other people to hold it thru a few steps, like The Onion Router
  5. leave it innocuously in a collection of similar pens
  6. get someone else to do Einstein's work in 1855, before the evil forces can steal the pen
  7. destroy the pen, get a new one just before sale
  8. destroy the pen, trust that Einstein will find another (he's really smart, right?)
  9. throw it in a haystack
  10. chemically modify it to be transparent
  11. send the pen to the moon (and hope we can get it back later without relativity)
  12. carry the pen with you at all times to defend it
  13. repeatedly mail it to yourself, so it'll be "lost" in the postage system for most of the time
  14. send it to Albert's ancestors and convince them to pass it down as an heirloom
  15. put the pen in a safe (why is this #15?)
  16. surround the pen with something repulsive, to discourage thieves
  17. write with the pen until it's empty of ink, to discourage thieves (then refill it in 1904)
  18. throw it in a forest
  19. throw it in the ocean
  20. leave glue on the pen (and the pen secured in place), so the thieves get stuck to it
  21. obfuscate your location, so the evil forces don't know where to look
  22. kill/incapacitate the evil forces
  23. jump to 1905 via time travel (without relativity? hard)
  24. seal it in a lightbulb (or structurally-closest equivalent; they might not have been invented yet)
  25. swallow the pen
  26. leave it to someone else to figure out
  27. put the pen at the end of an obstacle course
  28. the pen is mightier than the sword, so use it to fight the evil forces already
  29. bribe the evil forces to stop conspiring
  30. wrap the pen in many layers
  31. leave it at the top of a mountain
  32. have HPMOR!Quirrell make it a horcrux
  33. establish a cult to worship the pen and protect it
  34. bake the pen into a dish
  35. throw it in the sewer
  36. throw it in Antarctica
  37. convince a church that the pen is holy, and give it to them
  38. get lots of copies of the pen, and scatter them, so if a few get stolen, there'll still be at least one
  39. make a deal with the devil
  40. suspend the pen in the sky with a balloon
  41. leave lubricant on the pen, so the thieves can't grip it
  42. wrap wood around it and make it one of a pair of drum-sticks
  43. put the pen in such an obvious place the evil forces will assume it's fake
  44. leave the pen on a messy, easily-ignored desk
  45. throw it in a parallel universe
  46. give the pen to the evil forces ... fooled them! that's a fake, now they'll stop looking
  47. throw it in a bush
  48. make the pen a step in a Rube Goldberg machine
  49. leave neurotoxin on the pen, so the thieves die
  50. banish the pen to Iceland

Haven't tried them.

I figure they're safer than literal bare feet, giving all the objective benefits and some (fewer) of the questionable benefits. I stick with bare feet, sith it's easier -- arguably the default action -- compared to the trivial inconvenience of getting better shoes.


Many small corrections:

Buddha statues on the alter -> altar

Then acquaintenances. -> acquaintances

recipe for Ecstacy -> ecstasy

Lots of mandelas -> mandalas

it was the hard doing math or lifting weights is hard. -> it was hard like doing math or lifting weights is hard.

that had more subjective conscious experience -> that I had

Lovecraftian summing ritual -> summoning

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