

On Wholesomeness

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My mainline guess is that information about bad behaviour by Sam was disclosed to them by various individuals, and they owe a duty of confidence to those individuals (where revealing the information might identify the individuals, who might thereby become subject to some form of retaliation).

("Legal reasons" also gets some of my probability mass.)


OK hmm I think I understand what you mean.

I would have thought about it like this:

  • "our reference class" includes roughly the observations we make before observing that we're very early in the universe
    • This includes stuff like being a pre-singularity civilization
  • The anthropics here suggest there won't be lots of civs later arising and being in our reference class and then finding that they're much later in universe histories
  • It doesn't speak to the existence or otherwise of future human-observer moments in a post-singularity civilization

... but as you say anthropics is confusing, so I might be getting this wrong.


I largely disagree (even now I think having tried to play the inside game at labs looks pretty good, although I have sometimes disagreed with particular decisions in that direction because of opportunity costs). I'd be happy to debate if you'd find it productive (although I'm not sure whether I'm disagreeable enough to be a good choice).


I think point 2 is plausible but doesn't super support the idea that it would eliminate the biosphere; if it cared a little, it could be fairly cheap to take some actions to preserve at least a version of it (including humans), even if starlifting the sun.

Point 1 is the argument which I most see as supporting the thesis that misaligned AI would eliminate humanity and the biosphere. And then I'm not sure how robust it is (it seems premised partly on translating our evolved intuitions about discount rates over to imagining the scenario from the perspective of the AI system).


Wait, how does the grabby aliens argument support this? I understand that it points to "the universe will be carved up between expansive spacefaring civilizations" (without reference to whether those are biological or not), and also to "the universe will cease to be a place where new biological civilizations can emerge" (without reference to what will happen to existing civilizations). But am I missing an inferential step?


I think that you're right that people's jobs are a significant thing driving the difference here (thanks), but I'd guess that the bigger impact of jobs is via jobs --> culture than via jobs --> individual decisions. This impression is based on a sense of "when visiting Constellation, I feel less pull to engage in the open-ended idea exploration vs at FHI", as well as "at FHI, I think people whose main job was something else would still not-infrequently spend some time engaging with the big open questions of the day".

I might be wrong about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I feel awkward about trying to offer examples because (1) I'm often bad at that when on the spot, and (2) I don't want people to over-index on particular ones I give. I'd be happy to offer thoughts on putative examples, if you wanted (while being clear that the judges will all ultimately assess things as seem best to them). 

Will probably respond to emails on entries (which might be to decline to comment on aspects of it).


I don't really disagree with anything you're saying here, and am left with confusion about what your confusion is about (like it seemed like you were offering it as examples of disagreement?).


(Caveat: it's been a while since I've visited Constellation, so if things have changed recently I may be out of touch.)

I'm not sure that Constellation should be doing anything differently. I think there's a spectrum of how much your culture is like blue-skies thinking vs highly prioritized on the most important things. I think that FHI was more towards the first end of this spectrum, and Constellation is more towards the latter. I think that there are a lot of good things that come with being further in that direction, but I do think it means you're less likely to produce very novel ideas.

To illustrate via caricatures in a made-up example: say someone turned up in one of the offices and said "OK here's a model I've been developing of how aliens might build AGI". I think the vibe in Constellation would trend towards people are interested to chat about it for fifteen minutes at lunch (questions a mix of the treating-it-as-a-game and the pointed but-how-will-this-help-us), and then say they've got work they've got to get back to. I think the vibe in FHI would have trended more towards people treat it as a serious question (assuming there's something interesting to the model), and it generates an impromptu 3-hour conversation at a whiteboard with four people fleshing out details and variations, which ends with someone volunteering to send round a first draft of a paper. I also think Constellation is further in the direction of being bought into some common assumptions than FHI was; e.g. it would seem to me more culturally legit to start a conversation questioning whether AI risk was real at FHI than Constellation.

I kind of think there's something valuable about the Constellation culture on this one, and I don't want to just replace it with the FHI one. But I think there's something important and valuable about the FHI thing which I'd love to see existing in some more places.

(In the process of writing this comment it occurred to me that Constellation could perhaps decide to have some common spaces which try to be more FHI-like, while trying not to change the rest. Honestly I think this is a little hard without giving that subspace a strong distinct identity. It's possible they should do that; my immediate take now that I've thought to pose the question is that I'm confused about it.)


I completely agree that Oliver is a great fit for leading on research infrastructure (and the default thing I was imagining was that he would run the institute; although it's possible it would be even better if he could arrange to be number two with a strong professional lead, giving him more freedom to focus attention on new initiatives within the institute, that isn't where I'd start). But I was specifically talking about the "research lead" role. By default I'd guess people in this role would report to the head of the institute, but also have a lot of intellectual freedom. (It might not even be a formal role; I think sometimes "star researchers" might do a lot of this work without it being formalized, but it still seems super important for someone to be doing.) I don't feel like Oliver's track record blows me away on any of the three subdimensions I named there, and your examples of successes at research infrastructure don't speak to it. This is compatible with him being stronger than I guess, because he hasn't tried in earnest at the things I'm pointing to. (I'm including some adjustment for this, but perhaps I'm undershooting. On the other hand I'd also expect him to level up at it faster if he's working on it in conjunction with people with strong track records.)

I think it's obvious that you want some beacon function (to make it an attractive option for people with strong outside options). That won't be entirely by having excellent people which will mean that internal research conversations are really good, but it seems to me like that was a significant part of what made FHI work (NB this wasn't just Nick, but people like Toby or Anders or Eric); I think it could be make-or-break for any new endeavour in a way that might be somewhat path-dependent in how it turns out; it seems right and proper to give it attention at this stage.

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