Ottawa Rational Dojo

188 Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1W8, Canada

We are a rational dojo practising good cognitive hygiene. We meet every week, but you can show up when it's convenient for you.

Time 6:00 untill when people have to leave (usually min 3 hours)

The first hour is orientation/chatting the second is an activity, and then people stay as they want. If you are unsure if you will like it then come for the first hour, too see what it is all about

We usually Meet at the Art House Cafe or Dundonald Park check the group or send an email.

We try to be a safe space to discuss and challenge ideas. We take everyone who wants to be there, you don't have to be "good" at things, only the willingness to be challenged.

The facebook group is the place with all the details.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

495 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON, Canada2018 Aug 31st
How vs. What of Rationality
555 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON, Canada2018 Aug 15th
Logic! - Rational Ottawa Meetup
188 Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1W8, Canada2018 Aug 10th