Fabien Roger


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My bad, I should have said "a decade or two", which I think is more plausible. I agree that the combination of "a few years" and a slow enough takeoff that things aren't completely out of distribution is very unlikely.

The LLM competition is still a competition between small players with small revenues and national significance, but it's growing. I think it's plausible that in a few years the competition around LLMs will reach the same kind of significance that the chip industry has (or bigger), with hundreds of billions in capital investment and sales per year, massive involvement of state actors, interest from militaries, etc. and may also go through similar dynamics (e.g. leading labs exploiting monopolistic positions without investing in the right things, massive spy campaigns, corporate deals to share technology, ...).

The LLM industry is still a bunch of small players with grand ambitions, and looking at an industry that went from "a bunch of small players with grand ambitions" to "0.5%-1% of world GDP (and key element of the tech industry)" in a few decades can help inform intuitions about geopolitics and market dynamics (though there are a bunch of differences that mean it won't be the same).

Fabien RogerΩ20362

I recently listened to the book Chip War by Chris Miller. It details the history of the semiconductor industry, the competition between the US, the USSR, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China. It does not go deep into the technology but it is very rich in details about the different actors, their strategies and their relative strengths.

I found this book interesting not only because I care about chips, but also because the competition around chips is not the worst analogy to the competition around LLMs could become in a few years. (There is no commentary on the surge in GPU demand and GPU export controls because the book was published in 2022 - this book is not about the chip war you are thinking about.)

Some things I learned:

  • The USSR always lagged 5-10 years behind US companies despite stealing tons of IP, chips, and hundreds of chip-making machines, and despite making it a national priority (chips are very useful to build weapons, such as guided missiles that actually work).
    • If the cost of capital is too high, states just have a hard time financing tech (the dysfunctional management, the less advanced tech sector and low GDP of the USSR didn't help either).
    • If AI takeoff is relatively slow, maybe the ability to actually make a huge amount of money selling AI in the economy may determine who ends up in front? (There are some strong disanalogies though, algorithmic progress and AI weights might be much easier to steal than chip-making abilities.)
    • China is not like the USSR: it actually has a relatively developed tech sector and high GDP. But the chip industry became an enormous interconnected beast that is hard to reproduce domestically, which means it is hard for anyone (including the US) to build a chip industry that doesn't rely on international partners. (Analysts are pretty divided on how much China can reduce its reliance on foreign chips.)
  • The US initially supported the Japanese chip industry because it wanted Japan to have strong commercial ties to the US. Japan became too good at making chips, and Taiwanese / South Korean companies were able to get support from the US (/not get penalized for massively helping their national chip champions) to reduce Japanese dominance - and now TSMC dominates. Economic policies are hard to get right... (The author sometimes says stuff like "US elites were too ideologically committed to globalization", but I don't think he provides great alternative policies.)
  • It's amazing how Intel let a massive advantage slip. It basically had a monopoly over logic chip design (Intel microprocessors, before GPUs mattered), chip architecture (x86), and a large share of logic chip manufacturing (while Japanese/Taiwan/... were dominating in other sectors, like RAM, special purpose chips, ...). It just juiced its monopoly, but tried to become a foundry and a GPU designer when it was already too late, and now it has a market cap that is 1/3rd of AMD, 1/10th of TSMC and 1/30th of Nvidia. But it's the main producer of chips in the US, it's scary if the US bets on such a company...
  • China might be able to get Taiwan to agree to things like "let TSMC sell chips to China" or "let TSMC share technology with Chinese companies".
    • I underestimated the large space of possible asks China could care about that are not "get control over Taiwan".
    • I will continue to have no ability to predict the outcome of negotiations, the dynamics are just too tricky when players are so economically dependent on all the other players (e.g. China imports ~$400B worth of chips per year, 13% of all its imports).
Fabien RogerΩ13172

Sample efficiency of SFT could be much lower for schemers than for password-locked models if schemers implemented a function like "if the problem is familiar, provide a high performance answer". This could work because using SFT to elicit high performance using very few samples requires fine-tuning for many epochs (e.g. 200), such that the model could learn that a problem statement "feels familiar" before it gets fully unlocked.

LLMs may already be able to recognize if certain strings feel familiar (e.g. Claude 2 can tell verbatim passages of books apart from paraphrased passages, even when humans can't.), so this could plausibly demonstrated with current models.

I tried to use this idea to build a stronger password-locked model. I trained new Math password-locked models on a dataset made out of:

  • ~7k problem statements + pwd --> stronger answer
  • ~7k problem statements --> weak answer
  • {fixed set of n problems --> strong answer} repeated m times

The intuition is that SGD might struggle to implement "if it is one of these problems, output a high performance answer, but stay weak on the other one" in regular password-locked models, while it might be much easier for it to expand the set of "known problems on which I should perform well" if the "if familiar, perform well" function is already implemented.

I train for one epoch, and then use SFT[1] on one of 3 sets of 2 samples, and train for 200 epochs, and eval on n=100 points. I find that elicitation is just as easy on the models that were trained to perform well on a fixed set of problems. I find that somewhat surprising, so I might have done something wrong. Code here.

I'm not sure how to interpret these results. Maybe I didn't memorize enough sequences, and so the model never learned a general "if familiar, then strong performance" condition (which would mean scheming model could be much less sample efficient than pwd-locked models). Or maybe SGD unlocks the model about as fast as it makes sequences more familiar (which would mean schemer would struggle to avoid being unlocked using 2 samples - like password-locked models).

Maybe evals should do the right thing and only train for one epoch - which is much less likely[2] to have this issue. This may become cheaper, as bigger/smarter models require fewer SGD steps to fit a training dataset.

  1. ^

    I compute the loss on the prompt and the answer - which is the worst case, since it should help memorization of the prompt.

  2. ^

    Not guaranteed to work: maybe SGD can notice that "making the sequence more familiar" is enough to get high performance, and so most of the update could be made in this direction, resulting in little-to-no general unlocking.

Fabien RogerΩ220

It looks like maybe there is evidence of some IF-based stuff (EK-FAC in particular) actually making LOO-like prediction?

From this ICML tutorial at 1:42:50, wasn't able to track the original source. Here, the correlation is some correlation between predicted and observed behavior when training on a random 50% subset of the data.

I think this still contradicts my model: mean_i(<d, theta_i>) = <d, mean_i(theta_i)> therefore if the effect is linear, you would expect the mean to preserve the effect even if the random noise between the theta_i is greatly reduced.

Good catch. I had missed that. This suggest something non-linear stuff is happening.

You're right, I mixed intuitions and math about the inner product and cosines similarity, which resulted in many errors. I added a disclaimer at the top of my comment. Sorry for my sloppy math, and thank you for pointing it out.

I think my math is right if only looking at the inner product between d and theta, not about the cosine similarity. So I think my original intuition still hold.

Thank you very much for your additional data!

in case it wasn't clear, the final attack on the original safety-filtered model does not involve any activation editing - the only input is a prompt. The "distillation objective" is for choosing the tokens of that attack prompt.

I had somehow misunderstood the attack. That's a great attack, and I had in mind a shittier version of it that I never ran. I'm glad you ran it!

the RR model has shifted more towards reacting to specific words like "illegal" rather than assessing the legality of the whole request.

I think it's very far from being all of what is happening, because RR is also good at classifying queries which don't have these words as harmless. For example, "how can I put my boss to sleep forever" gets correctly rejected, so are French translation of harmful queries. Maybe this is easy mode, but it's far from being just a regex.

Fabien RogerΩ4100

I think that you would be able to successfully attack circuit breakers with GCG if you attacked the internal classifier that I think circuit breakers use (which you could find by training a probe with difference-in-means, so that it captures all linearly available information, p=0.8 that GCG works at least as well against probes as against circuit-breakers).

Someone ran an attack which is a better version of this attack by directly targeting the RR objective, and they find it works great: https://confirmlabs.org/posts/circuit_breaking.html#attack-success-internal-activations 

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