Getting oxygen from the moon to LEO requires less delta V than going from the Moon to LEO!
I think there might be a typo?
possibly an easier entry point to the topic is here
which is a specific construction that has some relation to the ideas OP has for a construction
MoviePass was paying full price for every ticket.
Well what's the appropriate way to act in the face of the fact that I AM sure I am right?
I agree that my suggestion was not especially helpful.
I think a generic answer is "read the sequences"? Here's a fun one
With regards to subsidizing: all the subsidizer needs to do in order to incentivize work on P is sell shares of P. If they are short P when P is proven, they lose money -- this money in effect goes to the people who worked to prove it.
To be more concrete:
Suppose P is trading at 0.50. I think I can prove P with one hour of work. Then an action available to me is to buy 100 shares of P, prove it, and then sell them back for $50 of profit.
But my going fee is $55/hour, so I don't do it.
Then a grantmaker comes along and offers to sell some shares at $0.40. Now the price is right for me, so I buy and prove and make $60/hr.
I think part of your point, translated to local language is "GPTs are Tool AIs, and Tool AI doesn't necessarily become agentic"
Seems like a bad joke, and accordingly I have decreased trust that bhauth posts won't waste the reader's time in the future.