Martin Vlach

If you get an email from , that is most likely me. I also read it weekly, so you can pass a message into my mind that way.
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Wiki Contributions


Why does the form still seem open today? Couldn't that be harmful or wasting quite a chunk of time of people?

Please go further towards maximization of clarity. Let's start by this example:
> Epistemic statusMusings about questioning assumptions and purpose.
Are those your musings about agents questioning their assumptions and word-views?

And like, do you wish to improve your fallacies?

> ability to pursue goals that would not lead to the algorithm’s instability.
higher threshold than ability, like inherent desire/optimisation? 
What kind of stability? Any from I'd focus more on sort of non-fatal influence. Should the property be more about the alg being careful/cautious?

> "What, exactly, is the difference between a cult and a religion?"--"The difference is that cults have been formed recently enough, and are small enough, that we are suspicious of them existing for the purpose of taking advantage of the special place we give religion.

now I see why my friends practicing the spiritual path of Falun Dafa have "incorporated" as a religion in my state despite the movement originally denied being classified as a religion as to demonstrate it does not require a fixed set of rituals.

Answer by Martin Vlach10

Surprised to see nobody mentioned Microneedling yet. I'm not skilled in evaluating scientific evidence, but the takeaway from effectiveness &synthesize=on can hardly be anything else than clearly recommending microneedling.

So Alignment program is to be updated to 0 for OpenAI now that Superalignment team is no more? ( )

To work around the non-top-n you can supply logit_bias list to the API.

As the Llama3 70B base model is said very clean( unlike base DeepSeek for example, which is instruction-spoiled already) and similarly capable to GPT3.5, you could explore that hypothesis.
  Details: Check Groq or TogetherAI for free inference, not sure if test data would fit Llama3 context window.

a worthy platitude(?)

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