Wiki Contributions



No, I'm not interested in computer science.


No, I am not an American citizen. Every single college that I am applying to is private. Private colleges that claim to offer full-need financial aid to international students usually do that. I also keep in touch with a handful of international students studying in the USA and they all receive the financial aid they needed, from private colleges of course.

What specific factors make you believe that you will receive US financial aid and not UK financial aid?

Except for a tuition fee loan, there is no other financial aid I can receive in the UK, either from the government or from the university.

I can't understand how you got the impression that I am applying to public institutions, given that I wrote what colleges I am applying to above. (Bowdoin is a private college, for example.)


Thanks for the heads-up.

In the USA I'll receive full-need financial aid, hopefully, which means that I'll only pay what I can afford, without going into insurmountable debt In the UK I'll take a loan to pay for the tuition, which can be paid back after I start earning a certain salary.


This is what I was contemplating! Could you create an article with this proposal?


The crux of my confusion is not what school to pick, but what to study and in which country.

Anyhow, in the USA I'm thinking some liberal arts colleges: Berea, Bowdoin, Bates, Carleton, Harvey Mudd. England - I got an offer at Durham for Biology.


1: The precise schools' names are irrelevant, for they're all on par academically, whether they're in England or the USA.

2: True, but in the USA, for instance, I have more means to educate myself in school, as opposed to Hungary. Also, consider the learning environment!


The ones from Hungary are no-name. In regards to England, think slightly below Oxford-Cambridge. The USA - liberal arts colleges, such as Bates and Bowdoin.


Hungary. Why Biology? My mom always laments that I should become a doctor because of financial and career security. :(


Only in England. I've started working on my college application and university admissions in Hungary at undergrad level is more of a formality.


Nice one, I like it!

But there's something I fail to understand: where's the 9.6% rendered?

"9.6% of the area outside of event A." - wait, doesn't that little area outside A represent the women with cancer?

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