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This looks like an instance of the Dunning-Kruger effect to me. Despite your own previous failures in diagnosis, you still felt competent to give medical advice to a stranger in a potentially life-threatening situation.

In this case, the "right answer" is not an analysis of the reliability of your friend's account, it is "get a second opinion, stat". This is especially true seeing as how you believed the description you gave above.

If a paramedic tells me "it's nothing", I complain to his or her superiors, because that is not a diagnosis. Furthermore, I don't see in your description a claim that the paramedics said there's no need to worry even if the pain becomes worse later on, so it seems sensible for you to presume they didn't. So, even if the first assessment is presumed correct, it is not admissible to think that it extends to different evidence.

And if that doesn't convince you, compute the expectation value of probably being right in a chat vs. the small chance of being sued for wrongful death times everything you own and will ever earn.