Shankar Sivarajan

Wiki Contributions


Re: your suggestion to mobilize different groups, I suspect that's still motivated (at least in part) by doing something you can measure. Demobilization, turning opposition voters towards either "protest votes" or abstention, might be cheaper, easier, and more effective.   

Alternatively, the "AI safety" movement has made no mistakes of consequence, and has already won decisively.

(Yes, this might basically be the old joke about the Jew reading Der Stürmer, coming from me, who hates the movement and all its works, but I think its success, and the overwhelming power and influence it now wields, is severely underestimated by its allies.) 

I doubt you could have picked a worse example to make your point that contrarian takes are usually wrong than racial differences in IQ/intelligence.

Yeah, I'm not gonna get baited into getting rate-limited by downvotes that easily. All you need to know, if you care to, is that my values and goals differ drastically from most other people here.

EDIT: A mod rate-limited me anyway, perfectly illustrating the stark value difference: I consider that kind of abuse of power an atrocity.

a shallow clone

I don't know what that is. Genetically identical but not possessing my memories?

2. I wouldn't use the term "art" for that, no. 

4. I don't have a constructive definition for what counts as an "artistic process," but I certainly wouldn't say the past holds no value for me: I like ancient sculptures and the like more than the next guy, and generally loathe iconoclasts and book burners. But if, say, the Library of Alexandria had books that had been printed instead of scribed by hand, I would not consider its burning any less of a loss. 

5. No, I wouldn't. I have never used heroin, but its effects on others don't seem like the kind of thing I'd wish for myself permanently.

6–10 are easy. I'd consider the clone at least family. 

I don't care to answer 1. and 3.

The "Disneyland without Children" short story? Yeah, I did. I'd read it before, and found it a nice fleshing-out of Bostrom's phrase. I do find it dystopic, but don't consider it illustrative of a likely future.

I don't think my disagreement is particularly insightful, but sure: if the painting is beautiful, I don't care if the artist is ugly or blind. With AI/ML image generation, we now have "beauty too cheap to meter" (Scott Alexander's phrase), and I don't see that as a bad thing. What "being human" means is something you construct for yourself, and a worry that it will somehow be lost or replaced is misguided.

Less high-mindedly, the (overwhelming majority of) human artists in power, writing novels, playing music, making movies, creating video games, translating anime/manga, have been telling me loudly and repeatedly for several years now that they despise me and everything I value, so fuck 'em (especially the anime/manga localizers); anything that democratizes their power, diminishes their status, throws open the gates they keep, is good, both for my community as a whole, as well as for me in particular.

Mukami-sama, the God of Atheism

Relevant smbc: link

There's another post in that series the first link missed. Look at the end of this one: link (sorry, low res image).

You might like this classic 4chan greentext: link.

What do most people gain from knowing this trivium? It's useful if you're signaling that you're on the side of "Science!" (which requires you to similarly "know" a lot of things that're a lot more dubious, and many things are are meaningless or outright false) but otherwise, unless you're an astrophysicist or similar, it makes no difference to you one way or the other.

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