

Wiki Contributions



Great initiative! Thanks for leading the charge on this.

Jack Clark: “Pre-deployment testing is a nice idea but very difficult to implement,” from

Thanks for the answer it makes sense.

To be clear I saw it thanks to Matt who did this tweet so credit goes to him:


Thanks for sharing. It's both disturbing from a moral perspective and fascinating to read.


Very important point that wasn't on my radar. Thanks a lot for sharing.

So first the 85% net worth thing went quite viral several times and made Daniel Kokotajlo a bit of a heroic figure on Twitter.

Then Kelsey Piper's reporting pushed OpenAI to give back Daniel's vested units. I think it's likely that Kelsey used elements from this discussion as initial hints for her reporting and plausible that the discussion sparked her reporting, I'd love to have her confirmation or denial on that.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty crazily happy that a random quick take I wrote 10m on a Friday morning about how Daniel Kokotajlo should get social reward and get partial refunding sparked a discussion that seems to have caused positive effects wayyyy beyond expectations.

Quick takes is an awesome innovation, it allows to post even when one is still partially confused/uncertain about sthg. Given the confusing details of the situation in that case, this wd pbbly not have happened otherwise.

Mhhh, that seems very bad for someone in an AISI in general. I'd guess Jade Leung might sadly be under the same obligations... 

That seems like a huge deal to me with disastrous consequences, thanks a lot for flagging.

Right.  Thanks for putting the full context.  Voluntary commitments refers to the WH commitments which are much narrower than the PF so I think my observation holds.

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