Wiki Contributions



Oh, I see! That makes a lot more sense. But he should really write up/link to his project then, or his collaborator's project.


Alas, I think it's quite unlikely that this article will make somebody fund me. It's just that I noticed how extremely slow I am (without collaborators) to create a proper grant application.

IDGI. Why don't you work w/ someone to get funding? If you're 15x more productive, then you've got a much better shot at finding/filling out grants and then getting funding for you and your partner. 

Also, you're a game dev and hence good at programming. Surely you could work for free as an engineer at an AI alignment org or something and then shift into discussions w/ them about alignment? 


Because future rewards are discounted

Don't you mean future values? Also, AFAICT, the only thing going on here that seperates online from offline RL is that offline RL algorithms shape the initial value function to give conservative behaviour. And so you get conservative behaviour.


Since you seem interested in nootropics, I wonder if you've read Gwern's list of nootropic self-experiments? He covers a lot of supplements, some of which are pretty obscure AFAICT.~



No, it's just that my prior says nootropics almost never work so I was wondering if you had some data suggesting this did e.g. by dowing a RCT on yourself or using signal processing techniques to detect if supplementing this stuff lead to a causal change in reflex times or so forth.

EDIT: Though I am vegan and I'm really ignorant about what makes for a good diet. So I'd be curious to hear why it's helpful for vegans to take this stuff.


Why do you think DHA algea powder works?


Having a large set of small 2-10 minutes task on the screen may thus feel (incorrectly) overwhelming. 

The size of a task on the screen is a leaky abstraction (of it's length in time).

This is a valuable insight and makes reading this whole post worth it for me. And the obvious thought for how to correct this error is to attatch time-estimates for small tasks and convert them into a time-period view on a calendar. That way, it feels like "oh, I need 20 minutes to do all my chores today, better set a pomdoro" instead of "I have 20 things to do! 20 is big!"

Will have to try this. TEST: It doesn't look that big, though I'm including starting steps of longer term tasks. Hmm, this doesn't feel that bad, thought maybe that's the endorphins from deciding to test this talking. 

BTW I gave a strong upvote because I want to see more rationality related content on LW. Otherwise I would've given a normal upvote, or maybe not even that. Nevertheless, that still means this post gets a strong upvote.


I did notice that I learned much quicker than I have in the past when I’ve tried to learn instruments. Which tells me that my current character build optimisation towards learning and memory is working. That was a good data point to update on.


Please explain!


This is not a video, but I think it counts as a useful example of tacit knowledge. 

Domain: Google-fu


Person: Gwern

Background: Creator of consistently thorough essays

Why: Gwern talks you through what he did to hunt down obscure resources on the internet and in the process shows you how much dakka you could bring to bear on googling things you don't know.


Wow, I didn't realize just how bad student debt cancellation is from so many perspectives. Now I want more policy critiques like this. 

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