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Best boundaries/membranes by Chipmonk


I think I might have a promising and better intervention for preventing individuals EAs and Rationalists from “turning crazy”. What would you want to do with it?

Update: I resolved maybe all of my neck tension and vagus nerve tension. I don't know how to tell whether this increased by intelligence though. It's also not like I had headaches or anything obvious like that before

I like how detailed this post is

How much higher was the scoring on neuroticism than the general population?

How many alignment researchers do you think there are total? What % do you think this survey hit that you wanted it to hit?

I'll be there! Talk to me about boundaries and coordination/Goodness

Andy Matuschak @andymatuschak:

Finally found a single actual screenshot of the DARPA Digital Tutor (sort of—a later commercial adaptation). Crazy-making that there were zero figures in any of the papers about its design, and not enough details to imagine one.

Some observations:
* An instructional interface is presented alongside a live machine.
* Student presented with a concrete task to achieve in the live system.
* The training system begins by “discussing the situation”, probing the student’s understanding with q's, and responding with appropriate feedback and follow-up tasks.
* It can observe the student’s actions in the live system and respond appropriately.
* The instructional interface uses a text-conversational modality.
* I see strong influence from Graesser's AutoTutor, and some from Anderson's Cognitive Tutors.


(from ) 

This all seems very teleological. Do you have thoughts on what the teleology of the universe could be under this model? 

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