Discussion article for the meetup : Melbourne social meetup

WHEN: 20 January 2012 06:30:00PM (+1100)

WHERE: see mailing list, Carlton VIC 3053

All welcome! 6:30pm for 7pm, Friday 20th

We'll order takeaway for dinner (something paleo-ish if possible) and I'll get some snacks. BYO drinks and games.

If you have problems getting in, you can call me on 0412 996 288.

No need to RSVP, but if you were to post a comment below saying that you're coming, it might encourage others to attend. (We've typically been getting about 12 people.)

Discussion article for the meetup : Melbourne social meetup

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I'll be there.

I'll be coming.

Hi! I'm from Sydney, but I'm visiting Melbourne this week and I keep seeing note about these regular Melbourne meetups. So I might head down there. I have dinner with my family around 7, so I'm not sure what time I can get there. Hope to meet some of you there!

I'll come.

I'll be breaking my string of absences to attend this time!

I've never been to a meet up before, but will make an appearance.


I'd love to be there, but am disappointed to find that I will be approximately 117km away.