I use my Android phone much more than my computer, and reading the Sequences on a mobile device is a pain. I needed an easy way to access the Sequences, but since there are no apps for this website I had to create one myself. Since I'm no app developer, I used the IBuildApp.com(trustworthy according to my research) website to make the application.


* Read ALL of the main Sequences and most of the minor ones

* RSS feed to LessWrong.com for latest articles

* No ads!


*Requires an Internet connection: I individually copy-pasted each Sequence(from the compilations of posts that many people have made) to the app. Unfortunately, the app development website did not save these on the app itself, but on its server. So to access a Sequence, you require an Internet connection.

*Home screen doesn't look good, because I couldn't get an appropriately sized logo that the website would accept. The Index(where you access the Sequences) looks pretty neat though.

If there are any mobile app developers here, please try to make a better version of it(hopefully one where data is saved offline). I made this for personal use so it's functional but could be done much better by a professional. I'm posting it here for other Android-using people(especially newbies like me) who might find this useful.






Download Link:




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There's also the ePub of Eliezer's posts to the end of 2010, which would be offline-friendly and as readable as whatever you use for ePubs. (I converted it to .mobi and read it just fine on my BlackBerry.)

Nice job.

I may get around to making a "better" off-line version. At the very least, I've added it to my list of app ideas! It has a slightly better chance than some of my ideas of getting done since it's not too complex to make...

Thanks! That would be awesome :)

Seconded. Please do this.

The link doesn't work anymore. Can you host it somewhere else?

I did a superficial search and it seems this is the only android app for browsing less wrong. Are there any others?

Sorry no longer have it.

For anyone not sure where to start, there's an android app called AIDE which lets you build apps from your phone using Android Java. I've tested it as far as Hello World and it seems pretty painless.