Indeed the topic I've dedicated the 2nd part of the comment, as the "potential truth" how I framed it (and I have no particular objection to you making it slightly more absolutist).
This is interesting! And given you generously leave it rather open as to how to interpret it, I propose we should think the other way round than people usually might tend to, when seeing such results:
I think there's not even the slightest hint at any beyond-pure-base-physics stuff going on in LLMs revealing even any type of
phenomenon that resists [conventional] explanation
Instead, this merely reveals our limitations of tracking (or 'emphasizing with') well enough the statistics within the machine. We know we have just programmed and bite-by-bite-trained into it exactly every syllable the LLM utters. Augment your brain with a few extra neurons or transistors or what have you, and that smart-enough version of you would be capable of perfectly understanding why in response to the training you gave it, it spits out exactly the words it does.[1]
So, instead, it's interesting the other way round:
Realizations you describe could be a step closer to showing how a simple pure basic machine can start to be 'convinced' it has intrinsic value and so on - just the way we all are convinced of having that.
So AI might eventually bring illusionism nearer to us, even if I'm not 100% sure getting closer to that potential truth ends well for us. Or that, anyway, we'd really be able to fully buy into the it even if it were to become glaringly obvious to any outsider observing us.
Don't misread that as me saying it's anyhow easy... just, in the limit, basic (even if insanely large scale and convoluted maybe) tracking of the mathematics we put in would really bring us there. So, admittedly, don't take literally 'a few' more neurons to help you, but instead a huge ton..
Indeed. I though it to be relatively clear with "buy" I meant to mostly focus on things we typically explicitly buy with money (for brevity even for these I simplified a lot, omitting that shops are often not allowed to open 24/7, some things like alcohol aren't sold to people of all ages, in some countries not sold in every type of shop, and/or or not at all times).
Although I don't want to say that exploring how to port the core thought to broader categories of exchanges/relationships couldn't bring interesting extra insights.
I cannot say I've thought about it deep enough, but I've thought and written a bit about UBI, taxation/tax competition and so on. My imagination so far is:
A. Taxation & UBI would really be natural and workable, if we were choosing the right policies (though I have limited hope our policy making and modern democracy is up to the task, especially also with the international coordination required). Few subtleties that come to mind:
Risks include:
B. Specifically to your following point:
I don't think the math works out if / when AI companies dominate the economy, since they'll capture more and more of the economy unless tax rates are high enough that everyone else receives more through UBI than they're paying the AI companies.
Imagine it's really at AI companies where the scarcity rents i.e. profits, occur (as mentioned, that's not at all clear): Imagine for simplicity all humans still want TVs and cars, maybe plus metaverses, and AI requires Nvidia cards. By scenario definition, AI produces everything, and as in this example we assume it's not the ores that earn the scarcity rents, and the AIs are powerful in producing stuff from raw earth, we don't explicitly track intermediate goods other than Nvidia cards the AIs produce too. Output be thus:
AI output = 100 TVs, 100 cars, 100 Nvidia cards, 100 digital metaverses, say in $bn.
Taxes = Profit tax = 50% (could instead call it income tax for AI owners; in reality would all be bit more complex, but overall doesn't matter much).
AI profit 300 ( = all output minus the Nividia cards)
People thus get $150bn; AI owners get $150bn as distributed AI profit after taxes
People consume 50 TVs, 50 cars, 50 digital metaverses
AI owners also consume 50 TVs, 50 cars, 50 digital metaverses
So you have a 'normal' circular economy that works. Not so normal, e.g. we have simplified for AI to require not only no labor but also no raw resources (or none with scarcity rent captured by somebody else). You can easily extend it to more complex cases.
In reality, of course, output will be adjusted, e.g. with different goods the rich like to consume instead of thousands of TVs per rich person, as happens already today in many forms; what the rich like to do with the wealth remains to be seen. Maybe fly around (real) space. Maybe get better metaverses. Or employ lots of machines to improve their body cells.
C. Btw, the "we'll just find other jobs" imho is indeed overrated, and I think the bias, esp. among economists, can be very easily explained when looking at history (where these economists had been spot on) yet realizing, that in future, machines will not anymore augment brains but replace them instead.
I find things as "Gambling Self-Exclusion Schemes" of multiple countries, thanks for the hint, indeed a good example, corroborating that at least in some of the most egregious examples of addictive goods unleashed on the population some action in in the suggested direction is technically & politically feasible - how successful tbc; looking fwd to looking into it in more detail!
Depends on what we call super-dumb - or what where we draw the system borders of "society". I include the special interest groups as part of our society; and are the small wheel in it gearing us towards the 'dumb' outcome in the aggregate. But yes, the problem is simply not trivial, smart/dumb is too relative, so my term was not useful (just expressing my frustration with our policies & thinking, that your nice post reminded me of)
This is a good topic for exploration, though I don't have much belief that there's any feasible implementation "at a societal level".
Fair. I have instead the impression I see plenty of avenues. Bit embarrassingly: they are so far indeed not sufficiently structured in my head, require more detailed tinkering out, exploring failure modes and avenues for addressing in detail, plus they might, require significant restructuring of the relevant markets, and, worst, I have insufficient time to explore them in much detail quite now). But yes, it would remain to be shown & tested-out as mentioned in the post, and I hope I once can explore/write about it a bit more. For now my ambition is: Look, that is indeed a serious topic to explore; we should at least be aware of the possibility to upgrade people's liberty by providing them 'only' alienable instead of inalienable rights to buy or consume. And start looking around as to what we might be able to do..
There are plenty of options at individual levels, mostly informal - commitments to friends and family, writing down plans and reviewing them later, etc.
An indicator of how good we are by using the "options at individual level" is how society looks; as explained, it doesn't look good (though, as caveat-ed in the post, admittedly I cannot say how much of what seems to be addressable by commitment is indeed solely commitment failure; though there is imho plenty of indirect and anecdotal evidence suggesting it contributes a sizeable junk of it).
It's not clear at all why we would, in principle, enforce the wishes of one part of someone onto another part.
"in principle" right, in practice I think it's relatively simple. Nothing is really simple, but:
That voluntary savings scheme incentivizes the saving-until-retirement by removing earnings & wealth taxes. It is on top of the compulsory schemes that are meant to cover basic living costs while at age (this has become a bit harder today but used to be, I think, simpler in the past when the voluntary policy also existed already).
Spot on! Let's zoom out and see we have (i) created a never before seen food industry that could feed us healthily at unprecedentedly low cost, yet (ii) we end up systematically killing us with all that. We're super dumb as society to continue doing as if nothing, nothing on a societal level, had to be done.
Btw, imho a more interesting, but not really much more challenging, extension of your case is, if overall what the orphans produce is actually very valuable, say creating utility of 500 $/day for ultimate consumers, but mere market forces, competition between the firms or businessmen, means market prices for the goods produced become still only 50.01c/day, while the labor market clearing wage for the destitute orphans is 50c/day.
Even in this situation, commonsense 'exploitation' is straightforward applicable and +- intelligible a concept:
Do we have some basic physical-feasibility insights on this or you just speculate?