
Wikitag Contributions


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Does it make sense to reach out to Bryan Johnson (Venmo founder and creator of a large YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson) to ask for funding for LessWrong? It just occurred to me that his interests seem very aligned with ours, and he might see value in supporting the community.


Since I have seen this typo twice, please change it to GDPR.

That was a fascinating post, thanks for writing it!

if brute force doesn’t solve your problem, then you are not using enough.

Stealing that!

Although not much, I have donated 10$. I hope you will find some generours sponsors that are able financially support Lightcone!

They obviously can't see the sign

Actually, that is a common misconception. Most "blind" people are not fully blind (based on a few google searches only 10-15% are fully blind) and can make out rough shapes and objects. They could be able to identify a rectangular sign, but might not be able to recognize the written symbols and thus the Braille is helpful.

Elon Musk talked to Lex Fridman for 8 hours about various topics.

Actually, he talked with Musk a bit over an hour and then talked to various people from Neuralink.

I was refering specifically to the CFAR workshop in Prague. The remote event location was bought with SBF funds and without any income, doing further renovations / paying staff etc. was impossible. I think its still in limbo, since I haven't heard any news in the past few months.

I am pretty sure the common source was the CFAR workshops, that have unfortunately been discontinued. There was an experimental run in Europe as well (in Prague), but due to the Sam Bankman Fried fiasco, most of the funding has been pulled.

I am unsure about the point of this post (maybe this series in its entirety). While I usually skim most of your posts and read sections I am interested in, I have not read a single section here. What do you aim to achieve with this series?

In case its mainly for your own benefit (to organize your thoughts / mark down important info), could you add a disclaimer or a TLDR with the main information for others?

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