The rationality community is one of the brightest lights in the modern intellectual firmament.
Bryan Caplan, Professor of Economics, George Mason University
The Engines of Cognition
Essays by the LessWrong community
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LessWrong is a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality. This book set is a collection of our best essays from 2019, as determined by our Annual Review.

It contains over 50 essays, packaged into a beautiful set of 4 books, which form the latest addition to the LessWrong a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality.

Machine Learning Art

The cover designs and interior artwork were generated using machine learning, a system called VQGAN+CLIP.

Based on a starting image and a text prompt, the system attempts to transform the starting image into what it expects to find on the internet connected with the text of the prompt. Below is an animation showing roughly how the process works.

The base image was the cover of last year's LessWrong books, using the Mississippi River, and the text prompt for the first book was. The Engines of Cognition by Alex Hillkurtz | System of Gears | Aquarelle | Greek Architecture | Blue on White Color Palette | Trending on Artstation. The text prompt for each essay used the title of the essay.