Interview Series On Risks From AI

XiXiDu (+26) Added an interview with Sir William Timothy Gowers.
XiXiDu (+16) Added an interview with Dr. Matt Mahoney.
XiXiDu (+24) Added a link to a MIRI blog post: 'When Will AI Be Created?'; Updated a broken link: 'Machine Intelligence Survey';
XiXiDu (+26/-43) The LessWrong community was asked to refine the questions before the interviews started ( and was able to suggest improvements at any time.
Grognor (+43/-26) he took no care to make sure that the questions asked were not the questions that would be most likely to ensure that the responders would not assume maximum disdain for the respective topic
XiXiDu (+17) Added an interview with Dr. Mark A. Changizi.
XiXiDu (+48) Added an interview with Dr. Randal A. Koene and Alexey Potapov of AIDEUS
XiXiDu (+25) Added a link to a Q&A on AI risks with Professor Larry Wasserman

In 2011, Alexander Kruel (XiXiDu) started an unreflective, poorly thought-outa Q&A-A style interview series asking various people about their perception of artificial intelligence and possible risks associated risks.with it.

In 2011, Alexander Kruel (XiXiDu) started aan unreflective, poorly thought-out Q&A A-style interview series asking various people about their perception of artificial intelligence and possible risks associated with it.risks.

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