List of blogs from the diaspora and rationalist movement. Last large update: 2017-05-25

General Rationality and Philosophy

An Algorithmic Lucidity Zack M Davis

Compass Rose Ben Hoffman (Benquo)

Don’t Worry About the Vase Zvi Moshowitz

Entirely Useless

Everything Studies John Nerst

mindlevelup Owen Shen (self-improvement, cognitive psych, debiasing)


Input Junkie NancyLebovitz (Politics, personal live journal stuff)

Julia Galef

Map and Territory

Melting Asphalt Kevin Simler

Minds Aren't Magic Paul Crowley

Nothing Is Mere RobbBB (value theory, meta-metaphysics)

Put A Number On It Jacob Falkovich ''(Math, Pure Rationality, misc)

Qualia Computing

Rationally Speaking Julia Galef

Slate Star Codex Scott Alexander (psychiatry, analysis of ideology, misc)

The Rationalist Conspiracy Alyssa Vance

Venam's Blog

Applied Rationality

Agenty Duck Brienne Yudkowsky

BearLamp Elo

Becoming Eden Will & Divia Eden (self-help)

Beeminder posts tagged "rationality" dreeves

Ferocious Truth

Jeff Kaufman Jeff Kaufman (Effective Altruism, Software, Owning a group house)

MalcolmOcean (community, culture, and mental models)

Meditation Stuff MarkL (meditation, phenomenology, ontology, epistemology, instrumental rationality)

Meteuphoric Katja Grace (anthropics and human behavior)

Mind Level Up Owen Shen (productivity, motivation, and heuristics)

Minding Our Way Nate Soares

Particular Virtue (Software Engineering Perspective)

Squirrel in Hell

The Sideways View Paul Christiano

Understanding and Mastering Our Brains to Do Cool Stuff alexvermeer

Research Analysis and Economics: (often political)

Bayesian Investor Blog Peter McCluskey (economics, book reviews, nutrition, prediction markets, etc.)

Aceso Under Glass Elizabeth (Science, Technology and Videogames)

Anonymous Mugwump

Entitled To An Opinion TGGP (social science, genetics, links)

Eukaryote Writes Blog Gary Gwern (blog-ish website with lots of detailed statistical analyses of nootropics, anime, and population dynamics)

Nintil Artir (Economic history, technology, philosophy, and how to git gud at thinking)


Overcoming Bias Robin Hanson (legendary econblog, focuses on signaling and the future)


Random Critical Analysis

The Future Strategist Podcast James Miller


Altruism and Utilitarianism

80k hours

Almost No One is Evil, Almost Everything is Broken (Very Philosophical and Poetic Take)

Charity Navigator

Effective Altruism Forum


Giving Gladly Julia Wise

Giving What We Can

The Give Well Blog

The Life You Can Save

The Open Philantropy Blog

Math and CS

Annoying Precision Qiaochu_Yuan


Chris Stucchio

Eli Bendersky

Thomas protokol2020 (exploring problems in science and technology and elsewhere)

Setting Things Straight Silas Barta

Religion and Atheism

DiaPente JQuinton (focus on early Christianity, rationality, and psychology of religion)

The Merely Real Chana Messinger (skepticism and social justice)

Unequally Yoked palladias (Catholic blog by recent convert from atheism)

Ai Risk

AI Control Paul Christiano

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Fiction and Media Heavy Blogs

Daly Planet Films moridinamael (books, movies, and television - podcasts and essays)

Death is Bad Kaj Sotala (educational video games and other topics)

Luke Muehlhauser

Mokka mit Schlag Elliotte Rusty Harold (Science Fiction)

Name and Nature Paul Wright (links on sci-fi, programming and politics)

Unsong Scott Alexander ''(Serialized Fiction)

Yngling Saga RolfAndreassen (logs from role-playing games)

Social Justice and Leftwing Politics

Brute Reason Miri Mogilevsky ''(skepticism, feminism, social justice)

Feminist Critics HughRistik (discussion of feminism, often negative)

The Thing of Things Ozy Frantz

The Whole Sky Julia: (stories about being a social worker in a prison and other topics)

topherhallquist Topher Hallquist

Reaction, Anti-SJ and Rightwing Politics

Small Truths

Stares At The World Aurini (cultural collapse of modern society)

Status 451

The Future Primaeval Konkvistador et al (social science, rationality, reactionary thought)

Rationalist Adjacent

Aellagirl (nsfw)

Econlog Bryan Caplan et all

EconTalk Podcast

Marginal Revolution

Noahpinion Noah Smith



The Ezra Klein Show Ezra Klein


Waking Up With Sam Harris

Pirate.London Cybercrime, Transhumanism, Geekery from Deku-shrub

Currently Inactive Blogs

Bill McGrath Music Bill McGrath {01-2016}

Effective Differentials Dale/Dias (Economics, Rationality, Effective Altruism) {10-2015}

Kevin Reid's Blog kpreid (programming, often game development; miscellany) {03-2016~ 3 posts in 2015}

lalaithion Random things, social justice, and science {07-2015}

Ordinary Ideas Paul Christiano {11-2016~ one post in 2016}

The Art and Science of Cognitive Engineering jimmy {04-2016~ 4 posts in 2015, 3 in 2015}

The Cafes Elliotte Rusty Harold {02-2016~ Sparse since 2012}

The Last Conformer Gilbert (Catholic blog, occasional well-informed criticisms of LessWrong) {08-2015}

The Orphan Wilde OrphanWilde (libertarianism) {07-2015}

Gone But Not Forgotten

Alexander Kruel XiXiDu (critiques of the LessWrong community)

Am I There Yet? (self-improvement, science, and other varied topics) Michelle_Z

By Way of Contradiction Coscott

Clarisse Thorn Clarisse Thorn (kink, S&M)

Common Sense Atheism Lukeprog

Convex Function jamesf

Essays and Other Musings tuxedage

Measure of Doubt, measureofdoubt on Youtube Julia Galef

Rational Altruist Paul Christiano {11-2014}

Reflective Disequilibrium Carl Shulman

sarkology sark

The Rational Superhero Yossarian (a "progress blog" so far focusing on productivity)

The Uncredible Hallq Chris_Hallquist (atheist blog with occasional focus on singularity)

The View From Hell Sister Y (suicide rights, negative utilitarianism)

Utilitarian Essays, Essays on Reducing Suffering Utilitarian

Yearly Cider lucidian (existentialism, epistemology, etc.)

See Also

Tumblr Masterlist

Map of the rationalist community on Slate Star Codex

List of communities