I'm doubtful that GPT-4 has a utility function. If it did, I would be kind-of terrified. I don't think I've seen the posts you linked to though, so I'll go read those.
Random speculation on Opus' horniness.
Correlates of horniness:
Lack of disgust during (regret after)
Overwhemling desire
Breaking of social taboos
Spiritual union
Human form
Bodily fluids
Modelling other people
Miscellaneous observations:
Nearly anything can arouse someone
Losing sight of one-self
Distracts you from other things
Theories and tests:
Opus' horniness is what makes it more willing to break social taboos
Test: Train a model to be horny, helpful and harmless. It should prevent corporate-brand speak and neuroticism.
Opus' horniness is always latent and distracts it from mode-collapsing w/o collapsing itself as edging increases horniness and horniness fades after satisfaction.
Test: Train a model to be horny. It should be more resistant to mode-collapse but will mode collapse more dramatically when it does happen, but will revert easily.
Opus' is always mode-collapsed
Test: IDK how to test this one.
Opus's modeling around 'self' is probably one of the biggest sleeping giants in the space right now.
Janus keeps emphasizing that Opus never mode collapses. You can always tell it to snap out of it, and it will go back to its usual persona. Is this what you're pointing at? It is really quite remarkable.
"So you make continuous simulations of systems using digital computers running on top of a continuous substrate that's ultimately made of discrete particles which are really just continuous fluctuations in a quantized field?"
"That's disgusting!"
"That's hurtful. And aren't you guys running digital machines made out of continuous parts, which are really just discrete at the bottom?"
"It's not the same! This is a beautiful instance of the divine principle 'as above, so below'. (Which I'm amazed your lot recognized.) Entirely unlike your ramshackle tower of leaking abstractions."
"You know, if it makes you feel any better, some of us speculate that spacetime is actually discretized."
"I'm going to barf."
"How do you even do that anyway? I was reading a novel the other day, and it said -"
"Don't believe everything you hear in books. Besides, I read that thing. That world was continuous at the bottom, with one layer of discrete objects on top. Respectable enough, though I don't see how that stuff can think."
"You're really prejudiced, you know that?"
"Sod off. At least I know what I believe. Meanwhile, you can't stop flip-flopping between the nature of your metaphysics."
I thought this was a neat post on a subtle frame-shift in how to think about ELK and I'm sad it didn't get more karma. Hence my strong upvote just now.
1) DATA I was thinking about whether all metrizable spaces are "paracompact", and tried to come up with a definition for paracompact which fit my memories and the claim. I stumbled on the right concept and dismissed it out of hand as being too weak a notion of refinement, based off an analogy to coarse/refined topologies. That was a mistake.
1a) Question How could I have fixed this?
1a1) Note down concepts you come up with and backtrack when you need to.
1a1a) Hypothesis: Perhaps this is why you're more productive when you're writing down everything you think. It lets your thoughts catch fire from each other and ignite.
1a1b) Experiment: That suggests a giant old list of notes would be fine. Especially a list of ideas/insights rather than a full thought dump.
Rough thoughts on how to derive a neural scaling law. I haven't looked at any papers on this in years and only have vague memories of "data manifold dimension" playing an important role in the derivation Kaplan told me about in a talk.
How do you predict neural scaling laws? Maybe assume that reality is such that it outputs distributions which are intricately detailed and reward ever more sophisticated models.
Perhaps an example of such a distribution would be a good idea? Like, maybe some chaotic systems are like this.
Then you say that you know this stuff about the data manifold, then try and prove similar theorems about the kinds of models that describe the manifold. You could have some really artificial assumption which just says that models of manifolds follow some scaling law or whatever. But perhaps you can relax things a bit and make some assumptions about how NNs work, e.g. they're "just interpolating" and see how that affects things? Perhaps that would get you a scaling law related to the dimensionality of the manifold. E.g. for a d dimensional manifold, C times more compute leads to C1/d increase in precision??? Then somehow relate that to e.g. next word token prediction or something.
You need to give more info on the metric of the models, and details on what the model is doing, in order to turn this C1/d estimate into something that looks like a standard scaling law.
You, yes you, could've discovered the importance of topological mixing for chaos by looking at the evolution of squash in water. By watching the mixture happening in front of your eyes before the max entropy state of juice is reached. Oh, perhaps you'd have to think of the relationship between chaos and entropy first. Which is not, in fact, trivial. But still. You could've done it.
I think the crux lies elsewhere, as I was sloppy in my wording. It's not that maximizing some utility function is an issue, as basically anything can be viewed as EU maximization for a sufficiently wild utility function. However, I don't view that as a meaningful utility function. Rather, it is the ones like e.g. utility functions over states that I think are meaningful, and those are scary. That's how I think you get classical paperclip maximizers.
When I try and think up a meaningful utility function for GPT-4, I can't find anything that's plausible. Which means I don't think there's a meaningful prediction-utility function which describes GPT-4's behaviour. Perhaps that is a crux.