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Great ideas in this topic.

However, mnemonics are suggested over and again. I'm not very fond of mnemonics nor creating relationships between fictive objects (method of loci) unrelated to what you are trying to remember in order to support what you are trying to remember in the first place.

Instead, I would be very interested in hearing some strategies of how to reinforce the relationships within the actual topic being learned. By perhaps when trying to devote something to memory, consciously performing a mental routine. For example taking a mental photograph of yourself in front of your car with the appropriate background in order to remember where you parked your car. Or visualizing yourself dialing a phone number you want to remember. Mindmapping a new term with similar words as well as antonyms. Even better, pseudocode for putting something to memory.

What methods work for you?


I'd really like to see a list and discussion of your and others' "tricks" for not having to rely on memory.

  1. Totally agree. Even if you disagree, or are scared of using nootropes, just trying it out short term may give you great insight to how your memory works and what your specific problem may be. For me, I realized that it was not my recall that was the problem, it was putting thoughts/ideas to memory in the first place = the encoding and storing of memory. The problem best described as brainfog. This became clear after trying Piracetam/Choline. This may however not work for everyone. There are many nootropes to try, but piracetam is well tested with few comments on any side effects.

  2. Along with exercise as Jayson mentions, diet is also key. I recently moved to a paleo diet and it made a huge difference in my digestive health and thus my brain clarity as well.

  3. Focus/concentration exercises in the form of meditation can do wonders for many people. Especially if you are a scatterbrain.

In any case, don't let the BS idea often repeated by specialists that "memory is hard for everyone and that everyone has the same potential for an excellent memory if you just concentrate and use memory techniques" discourage you. Individuals have different problems with their memory and different causes. Keep on trying different methods. The above are excellent. I believe a strong memory should come naturally, or there is something wrong that you or your doctor should work towards improving.