Tomás B.

Occasionally think about topics discussed here. Will post if I have any thoughts worth sharing.

Wiki Contributions


Curious for an update now that we have slight-better modals. In my brain-dead webdev use-cases, Claude 3.5 has passed some threshold of usability. 

Tomás B.-2-6

The most important thing this article did was make legible Gerard's history on Uncyclopedia - which one of his allies will inevitably use to destroy him. 

I think about anticipated future experiences. All future slices of me have the same claim to myself. 

Answer by Tomás B.31

I'm not convinced you can get any utility from measure-reducing actions unless you can parley the advantage they give you into making more copies of yourself in the branch in which you survive. I am not happy about the situation, but it seems I will be forced endure whatever comes and there will never, ever be any escape. 

Significant evidence for data contamination of MATH benchmark:

Tomás B.17-6

Rumours are GPT-5 has been finished awhile. 

Tomás B.120

The trans IQ connection is entirely explained by woman’s clothing being less itchy.

I was in the middle of writing a frustrated reply to Matthew's comment when I realized he isn't making very strong claims. I don't think he's claiming your scenario is not possible. Just that not all power seeking is socially destructive, and this is true just because most power seeking is only partially effective. Presumably he agrees that in the limit of perfect power acquisition most power seeking would indeed be socially destructive. 

Every toaster a Mozart, every microwave a Newton, every waffle iron a Picasso.

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