

Monthly Algorithmic Problems in Mech Interp

Wikitag Contributions


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Oh, interesting, wasn't aware of this bug. I guess this is probably fine since most people replicating it will be pulling it rather than copying and pasting it into their IDE. Also this comment thread is now here for anyone who might also get confused. Thanks for clarifying!

+1, thanks for sharing! I think there's a formatting error in the notebook, where the tags like <OUTPUT> were all removed and replaced with empty strings (e.g. see attached photo). We've recently made the ARENA evals material public, and we've got a working replication there which I think has the tags in the right place (section 2  of 3 on the page linked here)

Amazing post! Forgot to do this for a while, but here's a linked diagram explaining how I think about feature absorption, hopefully ppl find it helpful!

I don't know of specific examples, but this is the image I have in my head when thinking about why untied weights are more free than tied weights: 

I think more generally this is why I think studying SAEs in the TMS setup can be a bit challenging, because there's often too much symmetry and not enough complexity for untied weights to be useful, meaning just forcing your weights to be tied can fix a lot of problems! (We include it in ARENA mostly for illustration of key concepts, not because it gets you many super informative results). But I'm keen for more work like this trying to understand feature absorption better in more tractible cases 

Oh yeah this is great, thanks! For people reading this, I'll highlight SLT + developmental interp + mamba as areas which I think are large enough to have specific exercise sections but currently don't

Thanks!! Really appreciate it

Thanks so much, really glad to hear it's been helpful!

Thanks, really appreciate this (and the advice for later posts!)

Yep, definitely! If you're using MSE loss then it's got a pretty straightforward to use backprop to see how importance relates to the loss function. Also if you're interested, I think Redwood's paper on capacity (which is the same as what Anthropic calls dimensionality) look at derivative of loss wrt the capacity assigned to a given feature

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