David Youssef

Wikitag Contributions


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Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 3 new paradigms that would be entirely new basis of thinking about computing.

Optical quantum computers using time crystals as a memory system.

Analog Nano computers using Mannites that can act as both computation and memory storage in a single unit by using literal analog shape.

spintronics Which is probably the one I bet on. Because it uses a lot of the same manufacturing processes. So we used today, but instead of having a stream of electrons representing one and the absence of those electrons representing zero, the spin of each particle is the flip. So each circuit is actually a single atom. That is either spin up or spin down.

I suspect this is because Each time a new paradigm ends up overtaking the previous one it is usually a paradigm that had serious flaws in the past and was dismissed as being impractical then. But when the scramble for a new way to compute comes around People re-examine these old technologies. And someone realizes that with new material science something has become Financially and technically. possible. This means that by necessity the next step is going to be something that people consider fringe at the moment.

Uh the Guild does ask for money but we are completely free as long as you send us even one emeial. the money is nice to continue the work of expanding but that is NOT why we do this. Several of our students pay nothing at all

Source: Me, I am a Member of the Guild Council