Wiki Contributions


hah... actually not a bad idea... too late now. BTW the recording will be available eventually if you're interested.

Hi, organizer here. I just saw your message now right after the event. There were a couple people from Microsoft there but I'm not sure if they were interested in alignment research. This was mostly a general audience at this event, mostly coming through the website We also had some people from the local ACX meetup and transhumanist meetup. PS: I sent you an invitation to connect on LinkedIN, let's stay in touch (I'm 


Unfortunately they have a policy that they check ID at the door and only allow those over 21 in. I'm going to update the post now to make this clear. Even when the outdoor patio is open it's still only 21+. 

The way I would describe it now is there's a large bar in the main room, and then there's a side room (which is also quite large) with a place that serves Venezeualian Food (very good), and Somerville Chocolate (they make and sell chocolate there).  

The age restriction has never been a problem in the past although I do vaguely recall someone mentioning it once.  I'm going to try to have future meetups I run at a public library (probably Cambridge Public Library), its just tricky getting the room reservations sometimes. We have been thinking of trying out the food court in Cambrideside mall, also, although the tables there are rather small and I don't think they can be moved and joined together (from what I remember). 

Sorry for the late reply. In the future we will try to have a Zoom option for big events like this. 

We did manage to record it, but the audio isn't great (and we didn't cover the Q&A)

This is pretty interesting.. any outcome you can share? (I'll bug you about this next time I see you in person so you can just tell me then rather than responding, if you'd like)

Good idea to just use the time you fall asleep rather than the sleep stage tracking, which isn't very accurate. I think the most interesting metric is just boring old total sleep time (unfortunately sleep trackers in my experience are really bad at actually capturing sleep quality.. but I suppose if there's a sleep quality score you have found useful that might be interesting to look at also). Something else I've noticed is that by looking at the heart rate you can often get a more accurate idea of when you feel asleep and woke up. 

I would modify the theory slightly by noting that the brain may become hypersensitive to sensations arising from the area that was originally damaged, even after it has healed. Sensations that are otherwise normal can then trigger pain. I went to the website about pain reprocessing therapy and stumbled upon an interview with Alan Gordon where he talked about this.  I suspect that high level beliefs about tissue damage etc play a role here also in causing the brain to become hyper focused on sensations coming from a particular region and to interpret them as painful. 

Something else that comes to mind here is the rubber hand illusion. Watch this video - and look at the flinches! Interesting, eh? 

edit: (ok, the rubber hand illusion isn't clearly related, but it's interesting!) 

Since nobody else posted these: 

Bay Area is Sat Dec 17th (Eventbrite) (Facebook)

South Florida (about an hour north of Miami) is Sat Dec 17th (Eventbrite) (Facebook)

On current hardware, sure.

It does look like scaling will hit a wall soon if hardware doesn't improve, see this paper:

But Gwern has responded to this paper pointing out several flaws... (having trouble finding his response right now..ugh)

However, we have lots of reasons to think Moore's law will continue ... in particular future AI will be on custom ASICs / TPUs / neuromorphic chips, which is a very different story. I wrote about this long ago, in 2015. Such chips, especially asynchronous and analog ones, can be vastly more energy efficient.

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