
Wiki Contributions



I’d also love a slider setting for choosing how much weight to give to my own karma and how much to give to other people’s. If 6 Billion people outside the people my Karma boosts upvote something, I want to see it anyways


Can there be a mechanism that boosts posters who get upvotes from multiple nonoverlapping groups extra? If eg 50 Blues and 50 Greens upvote someone, I want them to get more implicit eigenkarma from me than someone with 100 Blue upvotes even if I tend to upvote Blue more often. Figuring out who is a Blue and who is a Green can be done by finding dense subgraphs..


I'm sorry, but is there an argument here other than "it really feels like we are special"? 
Calling for war and giving your opponents silly names is not the kind of thing that LessWrongers want on the platform. 

The thing I find interesting about wheels -> books -> gears -> computers is that each of those really is a good way to think about subjects. (In the case of wheels, the seasons are actually caused by something — the Earth — going around in a circle!). Computers in particular have a strong theoretical basis that they are and should be a useful framework for thinking about the world.

Maybe I just didn't understand.


Sorry, I’ll be doing multiple unwholesome things in this comment.

For one, I’m commenting without reading the whole post. I was expecting it to be about something else and was disappointed. The conception of wholesomeness as “considering a wider perspective for your actions” is not very interesting. Everyone considers a wider perspective to be valuable, and nobody takes that more seriously already than EAs.

The conception of wholesomeness I was hoping you’d write about (let’s call it wholesomeness2 for distinction from your wholesomeness) is a type of prestige. Prestige is high status freely conferred by the beneficiaries of the prestigious. Contrast with dominance, which is demanded with force.

It’s hard to pin down, but I think I’d say that Wholesomeness2 is a reputation for not being evil. Clearly, it would be good for EA’s ability to do good if they had wholesomeness2. On top of that, if actions that are not wholesome2 tend to be bad and actions that are wholesome2 tend to be good, then wholesome2 is a good heuristic. (Although the tails come apart, as they always do. ).

If someone has wholesomeness2, then people will assume mistakes rather than malice, will defend the wholesome2 person from attack, and help the wholesome2 when they are in need.

I was hoping your post would be about how to be wholesome2. Here are my thoughts:

Incapable of plotting: dogs and children are wholesome because they don’t have the capacity to be evil.

Wholesomeness2 chains, so since candy is associated with children who are wholesome2, associating yourself with candy can increase your wholesomeness2.

Generating warm-fuzzies: the Make a Wish Foundation is extremely wholesome2, while deworming is not. When someone (like an EA) “attacks” Make a Wish by saying it doesn’t spend its funds in a way that helps many people much compared to alternatives, everyone will come to Make a Wish‘s defense.

Vibes: “wholesome2 goths” feels like an oxymoron. The goth aesthetic is contrary to the idea of being not evil, even though the goths themselves are usually nice people. If you call one “wholesome”, they might even get upset at you.

Actually being not evil: It doesn’t matter how wholesome2 he was before; Bill Cosby lost all his wholesome2 when the world found out he was evil. Don’t be Bill Cosby.

I’d appreciate comments elaborating and adding to this list.


By analyzing the concept like this, I lost some wholesomeness2, because I have shown that I have the capacity and willingness to gain wholesomeness2 independent of whether I’m really plotting something evil. I’d argue that I’m just not very willing to self-censor, so you should trust me more instead of less… but that is exactly what an unwholesome2 individual would do.

EA will have some trouble gaining wholesomeness2 because it tends to seek power and has the intelligence and agency needed to be evil.


Plenty of pages get the bare minimum. The level of detail in the e/acc page (eg including the emoji associated with the movement) makes me think that it was edited by an e/acc. The EA page must have been edited by the e/acc since it includes “opposition to e/acc”, but other than that it seems like it was written by someone unaffiliated with either (modulo my changes). We could probably check out the history of the pages to resolve our speculation.


It is worrying that the Wikidata page for e/acc is better than the page for EA and the page for Less Wrong. I just added EA's previously absent "main subject"s to the EA page.

Looks like a Symbolic AI person has gone e/acc. That's unfortunate, but rationalists have long known that the world would end in SPARQL.


I’d call that “underselling it”! Your description of Microscope AI may be accurate, but even I didn’t realize you meant “supercharging science”, and I was looking for it in the list!

This is a great reference for the importance and excitement in Interpretability.

I just read this for the first time today. I’m currently learning about Interpretability in hopes I can participate, and this post solidified my understanding of how Interpretability might help.

The whole field of Interpretability is a test of this post. Some of the theories of change won’t pan out. Hopefully many will. Perhaps more theories not listed will be discovered.

One idea I’m surprised wasn’t mentioned is the potential for Interpretability to supercharge all of the sciences by allowing humans to extract the things that machine learning models discovered to make their predictions. I remember Chris Olah being excited about this possibility on the 80k Podcast, and that excitement meme has spread to me. Current AIs know so much about how the world works, but we can only indirectly use that knowledge indirectly through their black box interface. I want that knowledge for myself and for humanity! This is another incentive for Interpretability, and although it isn’t a development that clearly leads to “AI less likely to kill us” it will make humanity wiser, more prosperous, and on more even footing with the AIs.

Nanda’s post probably deserves a spot in a compilation of Alignment plans.


I'm glad you enjoyed my review! Real credit for the style goes to whoever wrote the blurb that pops up when reviewing posts; I structured my review off of that.

When it comes to "some way of measuring the overall direction of some [AI] effort," conditional prediction markets could help. "Given I do X/Y, will Z happen?" Perhaps some people need to run a "Given I take a vacation, will AI kill everyone?" market in order to let themselves take a break.

What would be the next step to creating a LessWrong Mental Health book?

Ideally reviews would be done by people who read the posts last year, so they could reflect on how their thinking and actions changed. Unfortunately, I only discovered this post today, so I lack that perspective.

Posts relating to the psychology and mental well being of LessWrongers are welcome and I feel like I take a nugget of wisdom from each one (but always fail to import the entirety of the wisdom the author is trying to convey.) 

The nugget from "Here's the exit" that I wish I had read a year ago is "If your body's emergency mobilization systems are running in response to an issue, but your survival doesn't actually depend on actions on a timescale of minutes, then you are not perceiving reality accurately." I panicked when I first read Death with Dignity (I didn't realize it was an April Fools Joke... or was it?). I felt full fight-or-flight when there wasn't any reason to do so. That ties into another piece of advice that I needed to hear, from Replacing Guilt: "stop asking whether this is the right action to take and instead ask what’s the best action I can identify at the moment." I don't know if these sentences have the same punch when removed from their context, but I feel like they would have helped me. This wisdom extends beyond AI Safety anxiety and generalizes to all irrational anxiety. I expect that having these sentences available to me will help me calm myself next time something raises my stress level.

I can't speak to the rest of the wisdom in this post. “Thinking about a problem as a defense mechanism is worse (for your health and for solving the problem) than thinking about a problem not as a defense mechanism” sounds plausible, but I can’t say much for its veracity or its applicability

I would be interested to see research done to test the claim. Does increased sympathetic nervous system activation cause decreased efficacy? A correlational study could classify people in AI safety by (self reported?) efficacy and measure their stress levels, but causation is always trickier than correlation. 

A flood of comments criticized the post, especially for typical-minding. The author responded with many comments of their own, some of which received many upvotes and agreements and some of which received many dislikes and disagreements. A follow up post from Valentine would ideally address the criticism and consolidate the valid information from the comments into the post.

A sequence or book compiled from the wisdom of many LessWrongers discussing their mental health struggles and discoveries would be extremely valuable to the community (and to me, personally) and a modified version of this post would earn a spot in such a book.

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