Igor Ivanov

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This is an amazing overview of the field.  Even if it won't collect tons of upvotes, it is super important, and saved me many hours. Thank you.

Totally agree. But in other cases, when the agent was discouraged against dceiving, it did it too.

Thanks for your feedback. It's always a pleasure to see that my work is helpful for people. I hope you will write articles that are way better than mine!

Thanks for your thoughtful answer. It's interesting how I just describe my observations, and people make conclusions out of it that I didn't think of

Answer by Igor Ivanov31

For me it was a medication for my bipolar disorder quetiapine

Thanks. I got a bit clickbaity in the title.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I wish you to stay strong

The meaninglessness comes from the idea akin to to "why bother with anything if AGI will destroy everything it"

Read Feynman's citation from the beginning. It describes his feelings about atom bomb that are relevant for some people's thoughts about AGI.

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