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Sorry, my use of volume as serving example may have confused things.

I think we can agree that when we’re talking about the relative price of one foodstuff we’re substituting for another, the cost-per-serving is most relevant. So at the prices you specify, for it to be true that frozen raspberry spread is cheaper as a substitute for jam, you’d have to be able to use at most 2.75/4.39 = ~60% as much raspberry spread as you would jam (by weight) in a given application.

Your footnote seems to suggest that raspberries are clearly cheaper because jam is only 40% raspberries, so 40% as much raspberries (by weight) equals an equivalent serving of jam. I don’t have a great sense of whether the raspberries on your waffle weigh 40% as much as you would have otherwise used in jam, but I’d probably bet that it’s closer to 60%.

So I guess my (small) gripe is that I suspect that frozen raspberry spread is somewhere closer to equal to the cost-per-serving of jam vs. obviously cheaper. Or maybe my I’m quite bad at eyeballing the weight of mashed fruit.

Regardless of cost, I like this idea for the other benefits and it sounds tasty!


I’m trying to understand the “cheaper” claim. You seem to be saying it’s cheaper on a percentage of fruit basis. But wouldn’t the more relevant comparison be cost per serving? Ie. Is a Tbsp of smashed raspberries cheaper than a Tbsp of jam?