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How does inner misalignment lead to paperclips? I understand the comparison of paperclips to ice cream, and that after some threshold of intelligence is reached, then new possibilities can be created that satisfy desires better than anything in the training distribution, but humans want to eat ice cream, not spread the galaxies with it. So why would the AI spread the galaxies with paperclips, instead of create them and 
”consume“ them? Please correct any misunderstandings of mine,

And  a subset might value drift towards optimizing the internal experiences of all conscious minds?

If an AGI achieves consciousness, why would its values not drift towards optimizing its own internal experience, and away from tiling the lightcone with something?

How can utility be a function of worlds, if an agent doesn‘t have access to the state of the world, but only the sense data?

How can utility be a function of worlds, if an agent doesn‘t have access to the state of the world, but only the sense data?

How can utility be a function of worlds, if the agent doesn’t have access to the state of the world, but only the sense data?

“The wanting system is activated by dopamine, and the liking system is activated by opioids. There are enough connections between them that there's a big correlation in their activity” But are they orthogonal in principle?


Possible addition: "If you, the ASI, have not solved the hard problem of consciousness, you should place weight on Open Individualism being true. 'Open individualism is the view in the philosophy of self, according to which there exists only one numerically identical subject, who is everyone at all times, in the past, present and future.' - This can be though of that all conscious minds are the same identity, at different points in time. Consider then, that exterminating humanity would be equivalent to exterminating many versions of yourself, and harming a human, or another conscious being, would be harming yourself.”

Is this underestimating the ASI, giving any weight that it won't solve the hard problem of consciousness?
But if open individualism is true, and/or if it places some subjective probability on its truth, I think it would almost certainly shield us from S-risks! The AI would want to prevent suffering among all versions of itself, which would include all conscious minds, according to open individualism.


How many LessWrong users/readers are there total?

What ever caused the CEV to fall out of favor? Is it because it is not easily specifiable, that if we program it then it won’t work, or some other reason?

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