

The Territories
Mechanics of Tradecraft

Wiki Contributions



In the last ten days we've had the trump assassination attempt, crowdstrike global computer outage, and the Joe Biden dropout


What percent of everett branches is Trump dead since yesterday morning?


Political dialogue is a game with a meta. The same groups of people with the same values in a different environment will produce a different socially determined ruleset for rhetorical debate. The arguments we see as common are a product of the current debate meta, and the debate meta changes all the time.


I think there's a small expected value difference between the two candidates, but I am simply too disgusted to care. We need to overthrow the government or primary systems and replace it something that manages offer us people who are under the age of 75.


I'm not voting for either presidential candidate this year. I know my vote doesn't mattter, but I don't care. What we have is indistinguishable from soft authoritarianism, and I'd prefer not to lend any legitimacy to a "democracy" that gives me only two choices for President, one of whom is literally senile and cannot articulate his own policy positions on a podium.


It doesn't feel like I'm getting smarter. It feels like everybody else is getting dumber. I feel as smart as I was when I was 14.


Francois seems almost to assume that just because an algorithm takes millions or billions of datapoints to train, that means its output is just "memorization". In fact it seems to me that the learning algorithms just work pretty slowly, and that the thing that's learned after those millions or billions of tries is the actual generative concepts.


I think most observers are underestimating how popular Nick Fuentes will be in about a year among conservatives. Would love to operationalize this belief and create some manifold markets about it. Some ideas:

  • Will Nick Fuentes have over 1,000,000 Twitter followers by 2025?
  • Will Nick Fuentes have a public debate with [any of Ben Shapiro/Charlie Kirk/etc.] by 2026?
  • Will Nick Fuentes have another public meeting with a national level politician (I.e. congressman or above) by 2026?
  • Will any national level politicians endorse Nick Fuentes' content or claim they are a fan of his by 2026?

Also related, are there going to be any social events/activities aimed at singles so I can try some awkward attempts at meeting/flirting and getting rejected in an efficient manner?

I'm sure you'll have fun in general, but you would literally have a better chance of finding a girlfriend at a magic the gathering tournament.


It might very well be cultural. As an American I literally cannot imagine doing either of those things with a woman I am not in a relationship with. I've never seen anybody else do them either.

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