Anthropic has a bug bounty for jailbreaks:
If you can figure out how to get the model to give detailed answers to a set of certain questions, you get a 10k prize. If you can find a universal jailbreak for all the questions, you get 20k.
Yeah, one possible answer is "don't do anything weird, ever". That is the safe way, on average. No one will bother writing a story about you, because no one would bother reading it.
You laugh, but I really think a group norm of "think for yourself, question the outside world, don't be afraid to be weird" is part of the reason why all of these groups exist. Doing those things is ultimately a luxury for the well-adjusted and intelligent. If you tell people over and over to question social norms some of those people will turn out to be crazy and conclude crime and violence is acceptable.
I don't know if there's anything to do about that, but it is a thing.
So, to be clear, everyone you can think of has been mentioned in previous articles or alerts about Zizians so far? Because I have only been on the periphery of rationalist events for the last several years, but in 2023 I can remember sending this[1] post about rationalist crazies into the San Antonio LW groupchat. A trans woman named Chase Carter, who doesn't generally attend our meetups, began to argue with me that Ziz (who gets mentioned in the article as an example) was subject to a "disinformation campaign" by rationalists, her goals were actually extremely admirable, and her worst failure was a strategic one in not realizing how few people were like her in the world. At the next meetup we agreed to talk about it further, and she attended (I think for the first time) to explain a very sympathetic background of Ziz's history and ideas. This was after the alert post but years before any of the recent events.
I have no idea if Chase actually self-identifies as a "Zizian" or is at all dangerous and haven't spoken to her in a year and a half. I just mention her as an example; I haven't heard her name brought up anywhere and I really wouldn't expect to know any of these people to begin with on priors.
Misremembered that I sent the alert post into the chat, but actually it was the Habryka post about rationalist crazies.
I know you're not endorsing the quoted claim, but just to make this extra explicit: running terrorist organizations is illegal, so this is the type of thing you would also say if Ziz was leading a terrorist organization, and you didn't want to see her arrested.
Why did 2 killings happen within the span of one week?
According to law enforcement the two people involved in the shootout received weapons and munitions from Jamie Zajko, and one of them also applied for a marriage certificate with the person who killed Curtis Lind. Additionally I think it's also safe to say from all of their preparations that they were preparing to commit violent acts.
So my best guess is that:
The border patrol officer seems like a hero. Whether he meant it or not, he died to save the lives of several other people.
I think an accident that caused a million deaths would do it.
I think this post is quite good, and gives a heuristic important to modeling the world. If you skipped it because of title + author, you probably have the wrong impression of its contents and should give it a skim. Its main problem is what's left unsaid.
Some people in the comments reply to it that other people self-deceive, yes, but you should assume good faith. I say - why not assume the truth, and then do what's prosocial anyways?
You're probably right, I don't actually know many/haven't actually interacted personally with many trans people. But also, I'm not really talking about the Zizians in particular here, or the possibility of getting physically harmed? It just seems like being trans is like taking LSD, in that it makes a person ex-ante much more likely to be someone who I've heard of having a notoriously bizarre mental breakdown that resulted in negative consequences for the people they've associated themselves with.
Elon already has all of the money in the world. I think he and his employs are ideologically driven, and as far as I can tell they're making sensible decisions given their stated goals of reducing unnecessary spend/sprawl. I seriously doubt they're going to use this access to either raid the treasury or turn it into a personal fiefdom. It's possible that in their haste they're introducing security risks, but I also think the tendency of media outlets and their sources will be to exaggerate those security risks. I'd be happy to start a prediction market about this if a regular feels very differently.
If Trump himself was spearheading this effort I would be more worried.