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Relating my last quote to human rationality and super super human AGI (and immortality); perhaps worth keeping in mind is that IF AGI is NOT to be equivalent to human intelligence (as Ben said; big IF here Ben),then what is AGI to be MODELLED on?(I‘ve been mulling over Searle‘s water argument the last few days, I know Searle is wrong. As of yet my reply is incoherent.). Is AGI to be equivalent to prescriptive conceptualisations of rationality? For sure none of the top scientists/philosophers have reached agreement on what human intelligence is. Following from the value judgment of what intelligence is, I want a reply to the question ,“What use are super rational agents in a virtual world if they do not interact with people in the real world?”, and even IF super rational agents interact with real people in the real world would real people be able to figure out that the virtual agents were simulated? Reminds me of when I read Bostrom’s argument in my second year of college, I was shaking afterwards. There is no resolution to the question as to whether or not we are living in a simulated environment, and this is a question not publicly addressed by the Singulrity Institute as of yet. Hiccup. I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.